Friday, December 17, 2021

Orange Sorbet

The corners of the stars for Orange Sherbet were flippy corners. I took the time to sew a 2nd seam so I could cut them off and they were ready for pressing. If you don't sew the double seams before trimming, you'll really wish you had!

The first step for orange sorbet was to press the HST's open so I did. Here they are, all 240 of them!

Next step is trimming them to 2.5". I'll get those trimmed sometime after I'm home from Phoenix.

The plan is to make these leftover HST's into a crib quilt but I don't know how soon that will happen.


  1. crib quilt would be cute - have fun in Phoenix

  2. What beautiful colors in Orange Sherbet, Gretchen. You have been very busy. Enjoy your trip to Phoenix; safe travels.

  3. I love that color range! The crib quilt will be beautiful!

  4. Looking forward to seeing the crib quilt made with these 240 HTS, Gretchen.
    Enjoy your days in Phoenix. Have a wonderful week.

  5. I think this is a great idea - but being me I'm wondering at what point I'll sling them all in the bin!! Could be the pressing bit, the de-dog earing bit or the point when I just take them all out of the bag......I love flying geese but I often make them using Eleanor Burns method - so no leftoer triangles. I have to pace myself when I make some shapes, and tell myself how much I love the look when completed - when! L'm looking forward to see how you eventually use them in the crib quilt. All the best, Elaine in UK

  6. Salmon filets? That's what they remind me of. Looking forward to seeing what you do next.

  7. Love this plan, I learned it too, and always do the second seam!! I've made matching pillows to the quilt with my bonus HSTs.
