Tuesday, December 14, 2021

How Did I do?

On the first day of January 2021, I challenged myself to make or finish several projects. So how did I do? Did I finish any of my challenges?

#1 Here is Embroidered Double Wedding, sewn into a flimsy after 25+ years!

Challenge 2 was to make at least 1 flimsy from the extra's box. Not only did I make at least 1 flimsy, I ended up making 3 flimsys! I wrote about the flimsys in this post.

These 3 quilt tops are for charity. They'll be turned into knotted comforters.

Challenge 3 was to reduce the amount of strings in the 2" and the 2.5" boxes.

Here are a few of the quilt tops that were made.

These flimsys were all made from the 2.5" strip box or the 2.5" squares box.

There were many other quilt tops that were made also.

My plan was to never empty the 2.5" box, just get it under control. That has happened, I even took a picture of the box but blogger sent it somewhere and I can't find it now. You'll just have to take my word for it.

As for the 2" strips box, well, let's just say that's on the list for 2022!


  1. Gretchen!
    So happy for you to complete soooo many goals you laid out and hand quilt quilts besides!!! And all those other hats you wear!
    Congrats! I look forward to more 2” block quilts next year ;)


  2. I have so many pre-cut boxes to use up - I keep saying one day - and one day I hope to do something with them or I will need to give them away I think!

  3. Not only did you made a lot of quilt, your quilts are beautiful.
    Well done Gretchen!

  4. Wow! You have been very productive this year. Congratulations on all your finishes and goals completed. Lots of pretty quilts! I have lots of extra blocks around here and want to make a top out of them someday.

  5. This has been quite the productive year for you! I wonder what you will do for 2022? I'll stay tuned.

  6. Wow! Gretchen you did great!! Interesting that it looks like you follow some of the same quilters as I do😉. I love that you've used up your squares in such a fun manner. If I were a blogger, you'd see that I've made very similar starts. Your inspiration is something I'll try in 2022. This year I aimed at getting blocks into tops. I will continue in 2022, assembling while I put together flimsies for charity. Thanks for sharing and have a Happy Holiday Season.

  7. Fabulous job, Gretchen and such beauties that you made. Looking forward to hearing more about your 2022 challenge and seeing what you create with your 2" blocks. Happy quilting.
