Friday, September 3, 2021

Embroidered Double Wedding Ring Quilt

By sewing whenever I had a few minutes, I've pieced 47-6" finished sawtooth stars. Now this project is going to be put on hold for awhile. I want to finish Lady Jane first because I'm using a lot of the same fabrics in both quilts.

Here are just 18 of the 47 pieces blocks using a variety of blue fabrics. All of these fabrics were in my stash, none purchased special for this project.

I first wrote about this embroidered quilt here. I showed a copy of the flimsy and a couple of the stars I had pieced but I didn't show a close up photo of the embroidery. I'm including that in this post.

Quilt Granma left a comment that she thought the darker blue star might be too dark. I wasn't offended by that comment, I don't always see these things and I appreciate her input, thanks!

As you can see there is darker blue embroidery along with light blue. I think these blue stars will all work, I'm planning to stagger them in a light/dark/light sequence.

Linking to Put Your Foot Down,  Peacock Party, Whoop Whoop PartyTGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Brag About Your Beauties


  1. Love the designs and colors, I love how the pattern ideas are put together. You are amazing. Hope to have this kind of talent.custom car wraps austin tx
    I’m definitely going to have to start following some of these blogs .I will visit once more.

  2. Hey,
    I’m impressed by your blog. Absolutely amazing work.

  3. Can't go wrong with blue or stars... and embroidery! I love it 👍♥️

  4. Hope it won't take too long to finish Lady Jane so you can get back to finish this one.

  5. Your embroidered square are amazing. So much work. I'm glad that you are going to finish it and I love your blue pieced stars. It will be a wonderful quilt.

  6. Happy Friday, Gretchen. Getting in a little piecing time here and there has paid off with such beautiful blocks and love your embroidered block as well. Your little yellow quilt that you are working on in the previous post is so cheerful and brought a smile to my day.

  7. The embroidered blocks are amazing,Gretchen,and I do love your blue stars, light and dark together goes really well. Blue is my favorite collor.

  8. I love the center and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the rosebuds in the background and your stars too... a dark light dark sequence should let each blue shine on and reflect all the colors in the center too :) Happy Assembling! Kathi
