Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Scrappy Patchwork With Yellow

Last January I started a scrappy quilt using 2.5" squares. Then I remembered I wanted to make a blue split 9 patch quilt so I stopped sewing the scrappy blocks. I needed the blues for the split 9 patch.

Since those blue split 9 patch blocks have all been pieced, I've started making scrappy twosies again. I'm using lighter yellow fabrics from my stash. I hadn't realized I had so many soft yellows until I was digging through that tub last winter.

Once I have the twosies made, I'll sew them into 4 patches then into 16 patches.  I'm using Becky's Checkered! pattern as my resource except with 2.5" squares and yellow.

I'm sewing the twosies as leaders and enders while working on other projects and I have plenty of 2.5" squares! How many twosies do I need? I don't know, I'll just keep sewing until the squares are more under control. I'm planning on at least a double sized quilt. 

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Midweek Makers, Stitch Sew & Show,  Wednesday Wait Loss, Put Your Foot DownNeedle & Thread Thursday, Oh Scrap


  1. I love your soft yellow with the scrappy squares! This is going to look great!

  2. Hi,
    Your little squares are really pretty. It will beautiful
    when finished. Have a great day!

  3. Fun quilt! I'm dying to make a quilt with a yellow background. Just keeping my eyes open for the right yellow!

    1. I have 2 projects going with yellow background fabric, this quilt and the applique quilt I posted about Sunday. I didn't used to like yellow but now I do!

  4. Love the yellow scrappiness on your "two-sies". So smart doing them as leaders/enders! Thank you for linking up to To-Do Tuesday and don't forget that next week is at https://www.texasquiltgal.com/

  5. Scrappy yellow twosies! It’s going to be a pretty quilt!

  6. I love how this is looking Gretchen… are u putting yours on point too like the quilted sisters blog post??? Have fun!

    1. On point quilts are more work but I think they're so much more interesting looking than a straight set.

  7. Love the start of this one. Like you, yellow was a no-go for me, til recently. For me, the difference was getting the "right" yellow. Soft mellow yellow or buttery golden yellow and I am in love! Otherwise, it's a total ick-factor! :) Curious ... do you make all of your twosies before doubling them into 4Ps and then 16Ps?

    1. I'm trying to really lower the amount of squares in the 2.5" box so I'm making twosies until I'm satisfied. Then I'll sort the twosies into color groups and start sewing the 4 patches then into the 16 patches. Becky cut the edge her 16 patches to insert into the side of the quilt (on point). I'm not going to do that, I'll piece triangle wedges to fit into there. It's more work but I don't want to cut the 16 patches because what do I do with the leftover section? It's a work in progress, it will get finished whenever.

    2. Thank you for the insights into your how to's! I get so nervous about scrappies becoming unbalanced in colours, that I look for all the help I can get!! As to what you would do with the trimmings? Would that not be the start of another quilt, matching them up with HSTs? :)

  8. Great leader ender project! So pretty. You'll have that done in no time. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  9. This will be a lovely scrap quilt. The soft yellows add a nice touch. I was making a postage stamp size scrap quilt for while with 1.5" squares. That project is tucked away in my stuff right now. I was using black and white prints for the alternate squares to my multicolored scraps. The yellow looks much more restful to the eye. Thank you for linking up this week. Happy scrappy sewing ... :) Pat
