Sunday, August 29, 2021

Hearts & Wreaths

Last January I masked up and did a little shopping at Yoder Department store in Shipshewana. Of course I browsed through the quilt books and magazines to see what had happened in the quilt world since I had been isolating at home. 

Yoder's has a good assortment of Quiltmania Magazines. They don't send the old ones back when the new issues arrive. They keep them on the shelf and they eventually sell. When I saw the cover of issue #138, I had to buy the magazine!

I'm starting this quilt, for now I'm only going to make 4 blocks and see if I enjoy this applique project. 

I didn't want a white background so I have selected a soft yellow Kona fabric for the background. I couldn't decide if I wanted a soft yellow or a brighter yellow. I'll make 4 blocks once and then decide for sure. I took this photo of the end of the bolt so I can remember which yellow it is!

Don't you just love this border? I'm not sure about those little tiny leaf branches though. I'll decide later about adding them.

I know how I want to hand quilt this beauty when it's completed, but first I have to finish all the applique!

Linking to Patchwork & QuiltsKathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Handmade Monday, Design Wall Monday, BOM's Away


  1. Oh wow!! What a stunning quilt. Not only do I love the border but all those lovely blocks. Another amazing quilt appliqued and quilted by your clever hands, Gretchen.

    1. I hope the quilt I make is as amazing as the quilt from the magazine. My quilt will have more quilting though than the original.

  2. Love this quilt and love the maize yellow background. I'm looking forward to seeing four blocks made!

  3. This is a beautiful quilt. I know how much you enjoy applique. I also know that I would never attempt this beauty. I will stick to my piecing. I like the idea of the maize background fabric. Enjoy your stitching!

  4. This looks like aa awesome quilt. I'm not sure how big those branches are but I'm wondering if they could be embroidered. In the past I have used embroidery at times with appliqué. Enjoy! ~Jeanne

    1. The embroidery is a great idea, thanks for the suggestion. Those leaves are really tiny and I'm not good at tiny applique.

    2. Then what about embroidering the tiny leaves?

  5. Looking forward to seeing this new project progress from plan to block (and possibly/hopefully beyond.)

  6. I love that you can find a quiltmania mag near you!!! I love this quilt… and 4 blocks would make a wonderful tablerunner too if you use those and don’t want to appliqué a whole quilt! I love that maize color for the background too… so soft and creamy!!!
    Happy slow stitching today!

    1. I was thinking the 4 blocks would make a nice crib quilt. I've started the applique and I'm really enjoying it. The soft yellow looks very nice and I think I'll keep going with quilt into a large quilt.

  7. It’s a lovely quilt and I certainly understand that it would call to you to make one. Yellow is a favorite color of mine. I LOVE the Yoder Dept Store and have been lucky enough to visit it in the past during the Shipshewana Quilt Show. Hopefully, there will be one next year.

    1. There was an abbreviated Shipshewana Show this summer but I don't know how many attended. They had 'celebrity' teacher but I had never heard of any of them. There were no classes or workshops. Hopefully next year they'll be able to have the full show. I didn't attend, just didn't feel safe attending, hopefully I will next ummer.

  8. Wow, another beautiful project on the go! That's funny to know how to quilt it, for me it's always the final step after a long time deciding!
    Thanks for sharing, and enjoy this new and lovely project!

    1. I'm a hand quilter and the designs seem to come easily to me. Now machine quilting is a whole different ballgame. Happy stitching!

  9. Oh, my, what an ambitious project! I do needle turn applique but don't think I have it in me to EVER attempt something like this. Bless you and good luck!

    1. I'm enjoying this project and the nice thing about this applique is the individual blocks are small each to take along places.

  10. This will be gorgeous with the maize background fabric you've chosen. All those small leaves to applique! I suppose you get into a rhythm with stitching them after the first hundred or so, and the end result is worth the time it takes. Have fun stitching this beauty.

  11. What a great quilt! Looks like something I would want to make!

  12. Dear Gretchen,
    I live the yellow for a background. It will look amazing for this pattern!

  13. That is a pretty yellow for the background, so cheerful. Lots of play with color and shape in your future.

  14. Kona Maize is one of my favorite choices to use in a quilt. It's yellow enough to enhance whatever you put with it but not fade in the background or take the attention away from the rest. "It's just right".

  15. What a gorgeous design, so very much you!!

  16. Beautiful choice for a new project Gretchen. And the soft yellow will be a lovely background. I look forward to seeing your progress on your new quilt. I like the embroidery idea for the tiny leaves in the border too. Hugs, Judy

  17. It's a beautiful design, Gretchen, and I think yellow will be great for the background. In 2020 I splurged and subscribed to Quiltmania, Simply Moderne, and Simply Vintage. (Though I didn't renew Simply Vintage.) I've studded each issue with post-it notes but haven't yet made any of the patterns.

  18. Look at the website for Sue Oelland and the Leaves Galore template. They are in several sizes and you would make short work at cutting all the leaves out. Sue does raw edge appliqué but you can do what you want. It would be worth the expense fir this quilt with 500 leaves! Good luck!

  19. that will be beautiful and I wish I could be a mouse in your pocket to learn how

    1. Applique is like any other skill, you get better by doing it!

  20. Oh my gosh, Gretchen — this project is perfect for you!! It’s going to be so amazing, and I am so excited that you’ll be taking us along on your journey

  21. It is a fun quilt to make and provides a lot of practice. It was originally in a book that I purchased in early 2000. I made it with pastels and gifted it to my cousin. I thought about taking another one in 2022, but there are just so many choices to chose from. It is not a difficult project. I do love the border.

  22. i saw this in a magazine long ago in the 1980s and it grabbed me then and still does...i might just have to cave...

  23. Oh yeah, I see why you were drawn to this one, I'd be too! Smart store to leave the old Quiltmanias on the shelf. I love a good back issue as much as the latest one. Hmmm, a block would make a pretty pillow too....

  24. I'm off to purchase this issue. Love this quilt.
