Tuesday, September 28, 2021

100 Day Challenge

I've been reading about the 100 day challenge on several blogs. Some people are challenging themselves from September 25 to Christmas Day. Some are challenging themselves through the end of 2021.

I've decided to challenge myself too. Of course I'm a week behind in the challenge and I won't have a full 100 days because I'll be spending 2 weeks in lovely, sunny, warm, no wool socks and no long underwear Phoenix during December. I will have access to a sewing machine though, I may be starting a new project there!

My challenge is starting now and running through December 31. For my challenges, I want to finish sewing the components of several quilts into flimsys!

First on the list is Lady Jane. You can read about this project here.

Next is the Embroidered Double Wedding quilt. It makes sense to finish this quilt next since I'm using a lot of the same fabrics as Lady Jane. Here is a close up of the embroidery.

These are some of the stars that are going to surround the embroidered center. You can read more about this project here.

3rd to be finished in the Split 9 Patch flimsy, click here for the info about this quilt. And yes, I know, there is a mistake in the arrangement of these blocks. I'll make sure that doesn't happen in the final arrangement.

I also have some blocks to be sewn into flimsys for the RSC challenge, mainly the 16 patch blocks. I want to piece puss in the corner blocks as alternate blocks.

Can I do it, can I actually complete 4 quilts in 100 days? Since most of the blocks are pieced, I think I can. It is safe to lay blocks on the display floor now, the windows are shut for the year (unless it really warms back up) so blocks won't be blown out of place.

What about you, what are you going complete during the last 100 days of 2021?

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Midweek Makers, Stitch Sew & Show,  Wednesday Wait Loss, Put Your Foot Down, Needle & Thread Thursday


  1. I've been seeing the 100 day hashtag on Instagram and thought about joining but decided to watch from the sidelines! I love your beautiful Lady Jane applique, and I'm especially fond of the embroidered quilt.
    Thanks for linking up to To Do Tuesday!

  2. I think you can do it- I look forward to watching

  3. I bet you can.
    I love the look of the split nine patch blocks and I am itching to pick my blocks and made the blocks I need to finish my quilt. All your white and blue blocks are inspiring. This is as perfect color combo.
    Sounds perfect spending 2 weeks in lovely, sunny and warm place.

  4. I bet you can as well! You are driven to succeed!
    I am excited to see what you start on when in Arizona to be out in that wonderful sun and warmth!!! Have fun ticking down the days!!!

  5. I can see doing challenges but no I don't do them all that much - one never knows what you will really feel like working on as the days and weeks appear. Have fun in Phoenix this winter

  6. If anyone can do, you can! The split nine patch is a favorite of mine! I need to do a two color one. Maybe red and while! I’ve never done a blue and white quilt and I like them a lot! Hmmm?

  7. You have several beautiful quilts in the works, and it's a good challenge to push them toward a finish! I'm going to try and do that, too.

  8. All lovely projects to work on finishing, Gretchen;))) I just think that Lady Jane is so beautiful--such great work --good luck on your challenge;))) hugs, Julierose

  9. Your 100 days plan is filled with beautiful quilts in the making. I should participate. I have so many WIPs. Thank you for linking up today. May you have a wonderful warm vacation. Safe travels ... <3 Pat

  10. I am quite intrigued by the 100 day challenge and this is the 1st I have heard of it. Such beautiful projects that you have chosen to work on , Gretchen. I look forward to seeing each one progress over the next few months. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs.

  11. Love the idea of a challenge to finish! Thanks for the idea!

  12. Good luck with your 100 days challenge! You have some beautiful projects in the works.

  13. No matter how much you get done, focusing on selected projects will move them along fast! Awesome choices. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  14. Lady Jane is going to be beautiful. You have a full this that, no doubt you finish. Thank you so much for linking up to Put your foot down last week.
