Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Trimming Blue Stars

The next step in finishing blue stars was to trim the quilt edge.

With my large ruler, I measured 4" from the inside edge of the blue border then cut along the outside edge of the narrow yellow border.

I also took the time to remove the stitching from the center of the corner flowers. I did take a picture of the flower with the stitching but Blogger is playing tricks and sent that photo to the wherever world. 

I think it just looks nicer without the stitching. I had added batting to the centers of all the flowers. It was hard to quilt through the batting and my stitches weren't very nice. It was easy to remove the stitching so you know the stitches were too long.

Here is a link to the Stars Around the Garden pattern.

I have two roses bushes in my flowerbed. They're rather sad plants and don't grow very large. It get too cold where they're located so I have to cut the stems down every spring.

This year they do seem more robust and they're blooming very nicely, at least until the Japanese beetles show up.

This is a Peace rose, the color turns more pinkish as the days go by.

This is a hybrid of some kind. It's a pretty yellow and red. The stems are terribly thorny though. 

When I cut off the stems, I stick them down groundhog holes to try to deter them from digging holes around my house!

I've had these roses for years and they keep blooming every year.

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Midweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Stitch, Sew & Show, Put Your Foot Down


  1. Good morning Gretchen... had to look for you this morning! lol
    I love you sharing the trimming of your Stars quilt... the roses are amazing.. I bed those ground hogs love getting poked in the eye with those rose thorns too! lol Kathi

    1. Thanks Kathi, the internet is finally back! Unfortunately the rose thorns don't deter them for long.

  2. It is almost done, and we are as thrilled as you must be, Gretchen for finishing this wonderful quilt.
    Your roses are beautiful.

  3. Oh my! What a lovely quilt! Wow! Thank you for sharing your process for trimming your quilt as well as your roses! You're surrounded by beauty!

  4. Hi,
    Almost done! Can't wait to see it finished.
    Have a great day!

  5. Things are getting close to done there! How wonderful that quilt will be. Thanks for linking up with To-Do Tuesday!

  6. Soon your quilt will be bound and done. How exciting. Happy Wednesday, Gretchen and happy quilting.


  7. The flowers are lovely. Can't wait to see the whole finish.

  8. Lovely roses! I have the Peace rose too. So pretty. Meanwhile, you're almost done with Blue Stars! Can't wait to see it all done. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  9. Beautiful roses, the ones YOU sewed and the ones God created.

  10. Your blue and yellow quilt is looking beautiful! Your roses are lovely, too. I have never though about using the thorny cut canes to try to deter the ground hog that is digging in my yard and eating my flowers. I may be trying that soon. I have sprinkled cayenne on the leaves and ground around some of his favorite plants but it washes off in the rain,. Maybe I will add some rose thorns around the base of the plants. Thanks for the idea and for linking up ... :) Pat

  11. Beautiful quilt - you're teasing us with this little corner shot!
