Sunday, July 4, 2021

Quilting is Finished on Blue Stars!

It seems like it's taken me a long time to finish the quilting on blue stars but it hasn't been a full 6 months. Six months isn't a long time at all for a queen sized quilt with a lot of quilting! 

The quilting looks wonderful on the front. Again the blue thread doesn't show in the picture but it does in real life.

I'm so excited to be finished with the quilting! It's so hard to imagine what the finished quilt will look like when selecting the stencil designs.

I have been wondering what the quilting on the back of the quilt looked like ever since I've started, I think it looks great!

Here is some of the center of the quilt. The variegated thread doesn't show in the picture very well.

You can see the quilting in the square pieced blocks and the cable/feather quilting in the outside borders.

Part of the quilting in a corner. I think you can see the difference in color between the cable/feather design and the stitching in the ditch around the flower. Also the cable in the 3" border used the white quilting thread.

For backing fabric I used whole cloth muslin. Muslin does a great job of showing all the quilting.

All my posts this week (except Saturday RSC) will be about Blue Stars.

Here is a link for the Stars Around the Garden pattern.

I had a nice gift in yesterday's mail, Kathi sent me this lovely pincushion to test out.  For now it's residing on the end table next to my chair. It's holding my applique needles for my new applique project which I can start since the quilting is finished. Thanks Kathi!

Link Your Stuff!, Patchwork & QuiltsKathy's Slow Sunday Stitching,  Oh Scrap, Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, Handmade Monday, BOM's Away


  1. Blue stars is a masterpiece. You deserve a ribbon.
    I loved seeing the quilting progress over the last 6 months.
    Congratulations Gretchen!

  2. this quilt is so neat! you did a great job on the quilting and the stencils that you used for this quilt was perfect. It does take awhile to get a big quilt done. Are you taking a break now or do you another picked out to be next?

    1. I'm taking a break from quilting for the rest of the summer. I have an applique project I want to work on and I really need a break from quilting! I do have the next quilt to go in the frame selected but I need to decide if and what colored threads I want to use. I plan to put the next quilt in the frame the first of September, I hope I have the applique finished by then!

  3. Such a gorgeous quilt! Your hand quilting takes it to the next level.

  4. Blue stars is gorgeous! I love the blue and yellow combination! One of my favorites. Sit back and bask in the joy of completion!

    1. It's not finished yet, a quilt isn't finished until the label is attached and the last stitch in the binding is knotted off, but the end is close!

  5. Blue Stars is beautiful and your quilting amazing! You are very close to finishing now and then you can use and enjoy this gorgeous quilt. ~Jeanne

  6. That is just gorgeous, Gretchen! I've enjoyed seeing your quilting as you worked on it. An amazing accomplishment!

  7. Thank you so much for showing us your progress on Blue Stars these last few months. It is truly a masterpiece. I'm glad you are planning on a label. More of us should do that!

  8. What a magnificent finish! Your quilt is stunning. I'm in awe that you did this in six months! Cute pin cushion gift too.

  9. Oh this is just glorious! Such beautiful quilting you do. Love how it turned out.

  10. Wow it is spectacular! That is really stitch intense and the texture is incredible!

  11. This quilt took my breath away right from the start, but to see it out of the frame, is even better. Are you keeping this one for yourself? Hope so! You deserve it. :)

    1. No, I won't be keeping this quilt for myself. I'm going to donate it to a charity quilt auction. More details next week!

    2. Reading today's post I see what your "master plan" was, all along. It's sure to be a star in this sale. The buyer will have a beauty to behold, and hopefully quite generous to the Michiana sale!

  12. Wow, Blue Stars looks wonderful, It's so great to see a large part of the quilt, as I enjoyed watching your progress. Well done!
    Thank you for sharing your beauty, and linking up today ;)

  13. You have done a spectacular quilting job on this quilt! The Master Quilter comes out in this one!

  14. What an absolutely gorgeous finish. Love seeing the back too! Congratulations! Hope you have a great week!

  15. I can only repeat what everyone else ha said Gretchen. Your hand quilting shows up beautifully! It is certainly a masterpiece! Is it for yourself and is it going into a show?

    1. No, it won't be going to a show, that is just not my interest. I made this quilt to be a donation quilt to a charity quilt auction in September. More details next Sunday!

  16. How wonderful, I've so enjoyed watching you stitch away on this quilt. Just the binding to go now, or perhaps you already done that now? Congratulations yourquilt looks amazing!

  17. Stunning!!! That's a LOT of beautiful quilting!

  18. I loooove your finish of the quilting on this quilt! I am so glad you liked the canning jar lid pin cushion ! Have a great week ahead

  19. I am so excited for you Gretchen. Your quilt is a beauty and has been a joy to watch you quilt from our end.. Looking forward to what will be your next hand quilting project. Have a blessed week.

  20. OMG how exciting you have finally got all that quilting is even.....goodluck with the binding now.......

  21. as others have said, your Blue Stars is an absolute masterpiece. A beautiful reflection of all the time you invested in it's creation

  22. Gretchen - you must have been giddy taking that quilt off the frame! It's gorgeous. You've done an amazing job. These pictures show how much quilting you did -- a ton! It's beautifully spaced and looks perfectly executed. Enjoy this beauty!

  23. Breathtakingly beautiful. Love it!!!

  24. Gretchen, I can only add to what others have said….wow, just wow! As my grandson would say “Fire!”. I don’t speak the language of young 23 year olds, but it means spectacular. It will be cherished by the winner of the auction. You have a giving heart Gretchen. Hugs, Judy

  25. OMG .... beautiful! I don't know about you, but when I finished a hand quilting project, I always felt a bit lost. Now, you can sit back and enjoy this beauty!

  26. It is so gorgeous. OM, what will I do to fill in the time as you posted pictures of the hand-quilting? You can't imagine how much I've enjoyed seeing and following your work. Sigh....

  27. Stunning quilt. Perfectly quilted.

  28. I LOVE the dimples that hand quilting gives to a quilt surface. Such wonderful texture, and seeing the back is such a treat.
