Friday, July 2, 2021

Piecing Blue Split 9 Patch Blocks

I've been working on piecing the 174 blue 9 patch blocks for what seems like forever! But actually it's only been several weeks whenever I have time.

I have a card table set up with the HST's and squares beside my sewing machine.

I lay out two blocks at a time and run them through the machine. 

I just keep sewing and piling them up until I have a big pile.

Then I press them, alternating the direction of the seams.

I went ahead and finished one of the blocks.

All 174 blocks have been webbed. Next week I'm getting together with a friend for a sew together day. I hope to sew as many blocks as I can into finished blocks. I'll press them when I return home.

Then the fun part happens, arranging the blocks on the display floor! I'll show you a picture when I get to that stage.

The split 9 patch block is a free pattern from Bonnie Hunter's website.

Linking to  Put Your Foot Down, Peacock Party, Whoop Whoop PartyTGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, UFO Busting, Oh Scrap


  1. The blocks are lovely in blue.... I checked the link and the quilt looks great.....

  2. Enjoy your sew day! I love all of these blues :)

  3. That's a different Split Nine with the square instead of HST in the center. No matter how you make them they are lovely in blues.

    1. I saw the split 9 patches done this way on a blog years ago and decided I make one that way someday.

  4. I love your version of split nine patches!!! Your are so ingenious to leave the miiddle square blue or neutral!!!
    I got your post in my email too Gretchen and was happy to get it ;). Kathi

  5. Oh so very pretty, Gretchen. Love the touch of flowery fabric. Thanks for the link too!

  6. These are looking great! Its cool to see what your process it!

  7. Lovely blue blocks.
    have fun during the sew day with your friend.

  8. I'm always in awe of your quilts and creativity with the scrappy blocks. Curious? with your side table of pieces, do you pick the pieces you like to go together? Or do you have a system of randomness? such as one from each of the piles before you take a second from the same pile? Looking for inspiration, or perhaps I should say "courage" before I go at my ever-building collection of squares from trimmings and such! THANK YOU!!!

    1. I organized the pieces for 2 blocks at a time and tried to make sure the blues didn't run into each other. It seemed to work for individual blocks, hope the whole quilt will look nice.

    2. Thank you for sharing your technique. Most certainly this is going to be another shining superstar of a quilt for you. And for us to all oooh and aaahhhh over! :)

  9. This is such a fun block! I have a couple of piles of them in my stash from years ago. My previous guild used this design for one of our raffle quilts. Great way to use up those scrap squares! I can't wait to see how your blues turn out!

  10. Very pretty! Have a fun sewing day with your friend, you are sure to come back with a multitude of these blocks all finished and pressed.

  11. Looking forward to seeing these beautiful BLUE blocks come together, Gretchen!

  12. Scrap quilts are the best! Very pretty blue & white quilt!

  13. Such pretty scrappy blocks! I like the square in the middle instead of an HST. Great job organizing the piecing!

  14. Great blocks, Gretchen and a fabulous plan of action for a sewing weekend with your friend. I enjoyed catching up on your blogpost. I have not made my change over because of the Feedburner situation . So I am anxious to see what you find out as to whether the email to followers go through. Fingers crossed they will. happy Quilting .

  15. Beautiful blocks. I saw your version years ago by Quilter Billy Lauder and thought they were great.
