Friday, July 9, 2021

Sewing the Binding

It's been awhile since I've turned and hand sewn the back of the binding onto a quilt, machine sewing both sides is a lot faster! But special quilts need special attention and to me, blue stars is a special quilt.

After I trimmed the quilt edge, I took it to the sewing machine to sew on the binding.

I learned the hard way years ago to always prepare the binding when I finish piecing the quilt, especially when you don't quilt the flimsy immediately! It's too easy to forget and use the fabric in another quilt.

I got out the small plastic bag with the binding (always label that bag of binding too) and found that I had cut the strips but hadn't sewn and pressed the binding. So I needed to take the time to do that. Finally, an hour later, I was ready to attach the binding which I did. 

Then I was ready for the hand binding. First I stitched the label onto the bottom right hand corner of the quilt. I always stitch my labels into the binding. If anyone is going to plagiarize my work, they're going to have to work at it!

So often I want to add a label but don't get it made ahead of time. But this time I was on top of things and made the label several months ago. I pinned it to the design wall so I could find it when the time came. 

With the backside of the quilt facing me, I use these clips to hold down the edge. I know there is a newer type of clip a lot of people are using, but those cost more and I think these work better. Someone felt sorry for me and gifted me some of the new clips, they're languishing in a tin somewhere in the cupboard.

And yes, I know, some people don't clip the edge of their binding at all. That's fine, you don't have to clip if you don't want to, bind your quilt however you want! 

I always bind with the right side of the quilt over my lap. Hand binding a quilt is not the best activity to do when the summer temperature is in the 90's! I put the bulk of the quilt over the ottoman so that helps to hold most of the quilt off of me.

Fortunately we had a cool down and it got rather chilly (to me anyway) in the evenings. I had to put on socks and took the quilt off the ottoman. The extra warmth felt good then.

I have been trying to bind a side a day, I'm making decent progress.

After the binding is finished, I'll rinse the quilt in cold water to remove the markings. After she's dry, I'll take the final pictures for a final Sunday post.

Linking to Put Your Foot DownPeacock Party, Whoop Whoop PartyTGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, UFO Busting


  1. I've heard some people write directly on the backing in a corner to sign. I must admit half the time I don't even remember to put a label on the quilt.

  2. We could learn a lesson or two from this post! I should prep the binding when I make the top - maybe that would help *get er done* go you!!!

  3. I love your hand embroidered label, Gretchen! Too funny, that you were gifted those Wonder Clips out of pity! I use them when I'm machine binding, but never saw a need to use clips for hand binding. Savor these last stitches -- I'm so looking forward to seeing the Big Reveal of this gorgeous quilt! Thanks for linking up with TGIFF!

  4. Those “hair” clips make great binding clips! I have some too, And Wonder Clips, ‘Cause I gotta have all the gadgets! :)

  5. Nice to get a sneak peek of the binding and label. Now waiting for the big reveal!

  6. Looking forward to seeing the top. Love your hand embroidered label!

  7. And your label is also beautiful.

  8. I love your label!!! Got this one in my email too ;)

  9. Oooooh .... a hand embroidered label!! Keep wanting to do that, and then for some reason, it does not happen! Like you, I make my binding once the flimsy is made, in fear of not having the fabric when the taime comes. Label and store in an antique sewing box/cabinet until needed. Have tried those new fangled wonder clips for binding too, but always go back to the hair clips. Have quite a collection of them because they were so inexpensive at the $ $tore, instead of "official" quilt store ones. However, the wonder clips are an absolute must-have (for me!) for paper piecing.

  10. Oh how wonderful , Gretchen. The blue star quilt is almost done. Super idea on the sewing the label down with the binding. I am going to have steal your idea if you do not mind. Wonderful post as always , Gretchen. Happy quilting and stay cool

    1. Your not stealing my idea, I'm glad to share it with you. I get so much inspiration from other blogs, I'm glad to be able to contribute something to the quilting world.

  11. I recently read that some kind of quilt historian does not necessarily believe the sewn on quilt labels but does believe the ones that are part of the quilt. Gives me pause. I may have to start doing something directly on the backing that will last.

  12. Your label is amazing. Can't wait to see its finish. Thank you for linking up last week.
