Friday, December 11, 2020

String X Flimsy

 The string X flimsy is finished. 

After looking at quilts on other blogs, I decided I need to start using more colorful background fabrics. I had plenty of this Kona spring green fabric in the solids box so I used it. It turned out quite nice.

My string X measures  62 by 87". It will be donated to the MCC comforter bash to be knotted. The 2020 bash was cancelled of course but the November 2021 knotting should work out.

Some of the strings were pieced together. Most of the strips used were 1-1/4" strips and left from the scrappy barn quilt I pieced in November. I did use some 1-1/2" strips too. For the pointed corners I used triangles cut from other projects.

Muslin was used for the foundation piecing. Some of the muslin was a bit heavier, it maybe slightly challenging to stick the needles through the layers for knotting.

String X is a free pattern found on Bonnie Hunter's site.

There are still a lot of strips left. They'll be in time out for awhile until I'm ready to make the next string x.

Linking to Peacock Party, Whoop Whoop Party, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, Off The WallUFO Busting, Patchwork & Quilts, Oh Scrap


  1. I love your string X flimsy Gretchen... you did a fab job of dealing with those little strings... I like little strings a lot too though! lol
    I am missing my sewing room and am glad for my friends that share though the week... their craftiness with fabric since I can't get to mine yet!

  2. Beautiful and scrappy, fun to see different colour backgrounds.

    1. I've decided it's time to be more bold with color and this quilt turned out great! The green perked up the darker fabrics in the strings.

  3. Love the green background with the colorful strings. Great job!

  4. You know, my very first thought when I saw the first picture at the top of your post was, "WOW, what a difference that unexpected green background makes!" So now yours is one of the blogs inspiring ME to use more colorful background fabrics! I love it, Gretchen.

    1. I didn't think it looked nice when I started sewing the triangles on the rectangles, but once the blocks were sewn together, WOW! What a difference! This turned out to much nicer than I expected and I'm not even a green lover! I see more interesting background fabrics on other blogs and think the quilts looks so nice, why don't I ever do that? Thanks for commenting!

  5. I wouldn't have thought green -- but it really works!!

  6. Very pleasing to the eye! Between the new craze for cross stitching and string quilts (a very old technique) quilters are becoming very creative during the Chinese Virus experience with all the time on their hands. It is always fun and challenging to step outside our comfort zone and do something different.

  7. Oh very cool! and with that Green backing it really pops! Great job!

  8. I love it! It reminds me of the color choice used by Amanda Jean Nyberg’s quilt, “June”, in her book No Scrap Left Behind! Very very pretty!

    1. I've never seen a copy of Amanda Jean's first book. I have always like her use of solid background fabrics.

  9. Hi Gretchen, it's been nice to have a catch up read of your blog this morning. You have lovely projects on the go, and gorgeous flimsies! I love the green you have used here with the strings - a great idea. I often think that too after seeing other blogs - must try to use more colour as the background!

  10. Great top, and your bold green background really makes the quilt shine.

  11. Just love that Kona Spring Green it is a lovely color that pulls the whole quilt together beautifully--nice work hugs from afar Julierose

  12. The green is perfect!!!
    Wonderful quilt!

  13. What an attractive layout! The green really does pull it all together. I wouldn't have thought green could do that. Looks lovely!

  14. Oh, I love the green background! I piece strings together all the time, and I really love skinny strings. I think in a string quilt, anything goes.

  15. Woo hoo! Good for you for busting through those scraps to create something beautiful!

  16. Great use of leftover strips. The green background pulls the piece together in a most cheerful way.

  17. Hi,
    Awesome Quilt! So pretty. Have a great day!

  18. I love this and love that you used a background color that is seemingly out of left field! Great combination!

  19. Oh, spectacular! I'm a big fan of strings anyway, and that green background just makes the whole top sing! I love it!

  20. A delightful quilt, love the green background!

  21. The green background is just delightful! What a fun quilt.

  22. The green really sets off those scraps spectacularly. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  23. I agree, going with the green makes a wonderful top, well done!

  24. I love the green background you chose to set off your beautiful strings. The combination is a winner!!!

  25. The green background makes the X pop up, great choice!
    Thanks for sharing ;)
