Tuesday, December 8, 2020

More String X Blocks

I wasn't sure which unfinished project to work on after finishing the puss in the corner flimsy so I pulled the string X box.

I pulled a small bag of scraps and sorted through them.  I organized a lot of small pieces to be sewn together in strips then sewed them to be used in the blocks too. You can find the pattern for string X here

I've made 2 changes to Bonnie's pattern. I started out using paper for backing then I switched to muslin. I've had the muslin here for years, time to get it used. I cut the muslin into 5" by 11" rectangles, it gets trimmed to the correct size after it is sewn.

The 2nd change is I'm using my HST/QST ruler to cut the end points. Maybe Bonnie didn't have a ruler like this when she wrote the pattern, she tells you a different way to trim the corners but why reinvent the wheel? The HST/QST ruler has a 45* angle and it works just fine, it was much simpler for me.

I'm trying to use all the strips in the 1-1/4" box. This is an odd size and I don't use 1-1/4" strips very often. 

These blocks aren't any certain color and I haven't decided what color(s) will end up being used for the side triangles. Four of these rectangles are needed to make a complete block. I need 24 blocks to make a 60" by 80" quilt. 

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Midweek MakersWednesday Wait LossNeedle & Thread Thursday, Put Your Foot Down


  1. This looks enticing considering I am about to explode with scraps as I move in and reorganize all my fabric storage completely different and to be more accomodating to scraps... open bins on wire shelving cut to width of my closet is my thought but we will see.. binging organizing vids for small spaces to get ideas as I ponder my son's wedding wall hanging I need to be quilting on a bit here and there to for sanity if not for real! lol
    Thanks for walking this journey with me ... enjoy your x block re start! Kathi

    1. A good use for thinner fabric is to use it as a foundation, you use even more fabric this way! And you don't need to remove papers from the back. Happy stitching!

  2. great idea for the points - that will be easier. My blocks have moved to ufo status.

  3. I love your idea of trimming the ends and I just happen to have that ruler!

    1. Bonnie's way just sounded too complicated for my mind. This was so easy, happy stitching!

  4. this is interesting - I have a pattern for one something like that and I really need to use my scraps - I really need to get a box out and do something with them this coming year - leave by the machine and do it

  5. What a wonderful use of scraps! Best of luck on it--it looks fun!

  6. Hi Gretchen! I've never made string blocks and I've never seen them laid out in this design either. Very cool! What a great use of your box of 1.25" strips! I look forward to seeing where this project goes in the near future. Thanks so much for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Great idea for scraps. I've not tried that yet.

  8. You're amazing!!! First, you save 1.25" strips ... put them together and come up a simple way to cut them. AND lay them out in a neat design! It's going to be a great quilt!

    1. Most of the 1-1/4" strips were left from the scrappy barn quilt I made in November. I can't even tell I made a dent in the box! I'm going to move onto another project now but I will revisit this pattern again in 2021.

  9. What a great strip quilt!!! I love how you discovered your ruler does the job!

  10. Looking good using up those scraps and old muslin!

  11. I anticipate a beautiful quilt when this one is finished!

  12. That's going to be an awesome String quilt when it grows up! Looking forward to seeing what color you choose for the corners, Gretchen.

  13. Wow, this is great. Thanks for the tips. Looking forward to seeing it when it's done.

  14. Love these blocks--both how they use up your scraps and also how they show them off so nicely. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  15. That is a cool idea. Strips that narrow usually end up in my trash can so this would be a bonus quilt for me. Thank you for sharing and linking up to Put your foot down.
