Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Blue Stars Around the Garden Progress

 Progress has been made on my blue Stars Around the Garden, blocks and sashing have been added to the center. Next is the the borders.

The pattern doesn't have cornerstones with the sashing, that was my own addition. Right now she measures 64-1/2" by 78-1/2".

September was a busy month and I didn't post often the last several weeks. One week I visited the grandchildren in Pennsylvania with our local son and his sons. It was so nice to see all the grandchildren interact with each other.

After I returned home, our daughter came for a long visit. Originally we had plans to go on a trip together but those plans fell through because of covid. I want to be able to travel and relax, eat in restaurants and not be worry about coughs and face masks. We stayed in Indiana all week and had a lovely time.

Autumn came while she was here and I started fall cleaning and washing windows before the temperature dropped. I want windows washed and locked before turning on the furnace.

The two bushel of Concord grapes I had ordered came and I processed them.

What do  you get from two bushel of grapes? You get 32 quarts of juice concentrate (through a steamer) and 12 pints of grape jelly. There wasn't enough juice for another batch of jelly so I mixed it up for juice to drink at breakfast.

I also made two grape pies. Grape pie is something you either love or you don't. My daughter and I both love it, the farmer not so much but he ate it because it was there. The second pie was gifted to my brother who also is a fan. I only make grape pie once a year so now we wait until next year for more.

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Midweek MakersClever Chameleon, Wednesday Wait Loss, Put Your Foot DownNeedle & Thread Thursday


  1. I'm glad you had some wonderful visits with your family. Your quilt is beautiful. I've returned to some of my quilting projects recently thanks to all of your inspiration!

    Those grape pies... I'm not sure where I'd land on them. Love them or not??! :) But your sentence about your husband ("he ate it because it was there") made me laugh.

    1. Some of my brother's children tasted his pie, they were glad to let him have it to himself.

  2. Hi Gretchen! I had to giggle about your farmer eating the grape pie. That reminds me of my Dad, who also grew up on a farm. He would also eat stuff because it was there, not because he liked it! Thanks for that giggle and memory. I just LOVE the color palette for SAtG. The cornerstones really pop and gently pull out those delicate yellow flowers in the center. How nice that you were able to spend some quality time with your daughter, son, and grandchildren. That's just the best in my book. Thank you for linking up this week! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. I have never heard of grape pie - but why not - pie is made out of so many things. That is a lot of juice to enjoy. I too have not traveled this year - I don't think I could enjoy it knowing how careful I would need to be and taking sanitizer and face masks everywhere I go

    1. The juice will last us 2 years, I like not having to can everything every year. We were glad to stay home and not worry about being out in public.

  4. Stars Around the Garden is just gorgeous! Glad you've had some time with family recently, too. I had grape pie for the first time just a few years ago, and found it delicious!

    1. Most people look at me strangely when I say I love grape pie. I guess it's not very common.

  5. The yellow cornerstones really add to the visual impact of your Stars Around the Garden! It’s stunning! Family time is special, whenever and however. That’s a lot of grape concentrate. Will it be juice or will you eventually make more jelly? I have never had grape pie! But apples can be pie! Blueberries can be pie! Why not grapes! What kind of top crust?

    1. When I mix up the juice, I add a quart of water to a quart of juice maybe a bit of sugar too, depends on how sweet the concentrate is. This was a good grape year, the grapes were very sweet. I'm planning on these jars of juice lasting us 2 years, I won't do grapes next year except maybe to buy some grapes for pie. The top crust is crumbs made from flour, sugar and butter.

  6. Your quilt is gorgeous, and your pie looks delicious!

  7. I love the quilt top you are working on... I def like your cornerstone addition and look forward to seeing what border you put on it :)
    What a nice September it sounds like you had! Nice to have a long visit with your daughter in your home where no one was concerned there... and grape pie sounds interesting... so does concentrated juice :) Enjoy your jelly too <3 Kathi

  8. Love your cornerstones; this quilt is coming together beautifully, Gretchen! I have never even heard of grape pie!! Can you give me an idea of what it tastes like? It looks like a blueberry pie from the photos. Is it super sweet or a little bit sour?

    1. Grape pie is not super sweet, it's not like eating grape jelly with a spoon. It's made from whole grapes, you squeeze out the pulp, cook it then put it through a sieve. I put half of the pulp in the bender, add half the grape skins then puree, then the remaining half. Sugar is added along with a teaspoon of lemon juice for a little zing. It's a strong grape flavor but I like it. My grandmother Miller (mom's mom) used to make a grape pie every year. Yes, it is a lot of work but then I think all pies are a lot of work. I think it's better than blueberry pie.

  9. I made grape pie once. It seemed like a lot of work and I didn't love it. I would eat a piece if someone put it in front of me but I really prefer other flavors more. I bet your house smelled wonderful while all the processing was going on.

    1. The scent of the grapes wafts throughout the house, I love it!

  10. Stars around the garden is looking great....

  11. Don't you love how Stars around the Garden is coming along. It's going to be beautiful when finished. Heck, it's beautiful now! I like your addition -- it makes it your own. Hum, grape pie.

  12. The quilt is beautiful! We have a small amount of grape vines but sadly our concords died last year--not sure why. I'm not a grape jelly (or juice) person but my family sure loves it so that's what I've always done with ours, no matter the variety.

  13. Your SAG is so striking and I love the yellow cornerstones! Really is the right zinger!
    Grape pie sounds good - did the grape jelly before, but only once as that was enough work - now if you have pie left over send some to South Texas and I will let you know how it is! LOL. Pecan pie is the dish for we Southerners! I used to love making my easy cobbler, peach, cherry, pineapple, but never a grape. I really miss the foods that I cannot partake, but it is fun to see your pies and all the canning that you do! Hats off to you Gretchen! Hugs

  14. You're quilt top is absolutely lovely! Beautiful applique in the center, and a great choice of colors. Can't wait to see this one finished.

  15. Love the yellow cornerstones, they really make the quilt pop.

  16. Lovely quilt! I really like the combination of blue and yellow in a quilt...so summery! Never heard of grape pie but it sure looks yummy! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
