Sunday, October 4, 2020

Hand Quilting Still Happening

 I made a point of hand quilting this week and I made great progress. I rolled two different times!

Here is the length before I rolled the first time.

A close up of the center sashing quilting.

This is the length before I rolled the second time.

A close up of the center. Can you see I'm quilting in the very center pieced section too?

Our daughter had been visiting the last week or so. She had a lot of fun playing games with the grandsons. I stood the quilt up on it's legs so I could set up a card table for game time.

I had wanted to take this quilt along to the Jane Stickle retreat in November for show & tell. But the retreat has been cancelled and my enthusiam waned. I'm excited again because when I saw the back of the quilt, I'm so close to the finish! 

A close up of some of the quilting.

Linking to Patchwork & QuiltsKathy's Slow Sunday Stitching,  Oh Scrap, Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Design Wall MondayBOM's Away


  1. Oh my goodness, your quilting on the back is just as perfect as that on the front! However do you do that?? Love the soft delicate design of the backing fabric. The centre sashing quilting is striking.

  2. WOW Gretchen... you have made amazing progress and got some exceptional shots this week showing just how close to a finish you are... I wonder if it will get bound while still in October since this is just first of the month :) How excited I am for you! Hope you have a great week and enjoy your slow stitching Sunday today! Kathi

  3. you will have this one done in no time - do you have the next one picked out?

  4. Your quilting is looking wonderful throughout the quilt! It's always fun to see everything from the back, too!

  5. You have really done a beautiful job and to be so close to the finish! I am sure you are disappointed about the Retreat cancellation! I really miss just going to the grocery store not to mention that I would love to go to a Casino, but think we all got a wake up call when our President became sick! So home is better for all who can afford to stay home. Walmart, Amazon, and local HEB seem to be my best buddies for another 6 months! Hugs

  6. I'm excited too to see all that wonderful quilting texture! Great photos!
    You are really close to finishing!

  7. Your quilting is beautiful!! I’m looking forward to seeing your wonderful quilt finished. Hugs,

  8. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely hand quilting with all of us. You have transformed that top into a masterpiece! Congrats on being nearly done.

  9. Great progress! Sorry you don't get to go to the Jane Stickle retreat. I would love to attend that one!

  10. I am amazed at how great this looks with your beautiful quilting!!!

  11. great progress. your hand quilting is perfect. This quilt will be a masterpiece.
    Happy stitching

  12. You are indeed so close to the finish! Congratulations, not too much more to go. It will be lovely to see this quilt in all its hand quilted glory

  13. Oh my goodness. It looks like you will be finished fairly soon. Enjoy your stitching.

  14. Soon you will be sharing the finished quilt. It really is looking lovely. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  15. So cool when you see the back! But even better from the front.

  16. So pretty. Your way too close not to finish.

  17. I so admire your hand quilting. It took me 30 years to do a queen size and now lost my enthusiasm for hand work. But I do like to admire it.

  18. Nearly there and it's going to be stunning. It's such a shame that so many things have to be cancelled. Glad you had a fun time with your family.

  19. Beautiful. It will be a masterpiece for sure.

  20. Your hand quilting is exquisite! The back of this quilt is so lovely, it will be like having two quilts when you're finished.

  21. Your hand quilting is bringing life to it all.

  22. Oh wow!! this is coming along beautifully!! you are a very talented hand quilter!

  23. Looking fabulous Gretchen. I love all the different designs you have chosen to do. An inspiration for those of us who procrastinate. Lol!

  24. Oh, Gretchen -- I know what you feel about losing your enthusiasm when there's no Show and Tell to look forward to! Yes, you are so close with the hand quilting and it looks amazing from the back as well! I crawl under my long arm frame every day to check that my tension is still spot-on, but while I'm down there I do like to admire the way the quilting looks from the back with the light shining down through the needle holes! :-)

  25. Wow, you are close to the finish line! I'm glad your enthusiasm has been revived. And now we can't wait to see the finish!
