Friday, October 9, 2020

Blue Stars Around the Garden Flimsy

 Blue stars around the garden is a flimsy! The borders are on. 

A narrow yellow border is the outside border. I wanted to make flange binding but there wasn't enough yellow for that. There was enough for a narrow yellow border which will give a flange effect when the quilt is finished.

Next step, applique in the white border corners. The flimsy measures 90" by 106". Here is a link to the Stars Around the Garden pattern.

Linking to Peacock Party Whoop Whoop Party, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Brag About Your BeautiesUFO Busting


  1. I love that pop of yellow! Gorgeous work :)

  2. very pretty - love those colors together and you have plenty of nice space to quilt as well

  3. Beautiful! The applique in the corners will really make this quilt pop! Great work Gretchen! Hugs

  4. oh my stars - that is just gorgeous!! congrats on the finish!!!

  5. It didn't seem too long ago since you were stitching the applique block. And now you have a finished top, looking so nice!

  6. What a spectacular quilt this is going to be, Gretchen!!

  7. Wow! This is so beautiful! Congrats on getting your top to this stage, and good luck on the borders.
