Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sunday Stitching

Another week has passed by and more hand quilting has happened but not as much as some weeks.
Last week there were 3 comments asking about marking the quilt. Yes, I do like to mark the quilt ahead of time before putting it in the frame. All the white borders were marked with a Paper Mate sharpwriter #2 mechanical pencil. I try to mark lightly. I read on Sue Garman's blog years ago that this pencil is what she recommended.
I didn't decide how to quilt the pieced sections until after I was quilting. I tried marking with the pencil but it didn't show on all the fabrics and there was the problem with a sharp point poking into the fabric.
I've started using a marker that has blue on one end and purple on the other end. The purple is supposed to evaporate on it's own and not be long lasting. If I mark lightly, it evaporates before I get all the quilting done. If I mark too firmly, the marking stays for 24 hours but it does show on the darker fabrics.

Maybe I'm making a mistake by using this marker, I certainly hope the markings don't come back to haunt me some day.

I haven't decided how I'm going to quilt the center section of the quilt but the quilt has told me it doesn't want Baptist Fan which is ok with me!

This weeks goal is to finish quilting across the quilt. 

Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another.  If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.

Linking to Patchwork & QuiltsKathy's Slow Sunday Stitching,  Oh Scrap, Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Design Wall MondayBOM's Away


  1. A variety of quilted patterns will add much to the scrappy quilt. I'm also cautious trying various markers.

  2. Your hand quilting is so nice, as usual, I'm enjoying watching the progress on this project.

  3. How gorgeous! I love seeing this progress!

    I've had luck with these heat erasable pens. I HAVE NOT used them for quilting, but I've been using them a lot for sewing. The ink disappears as soon as the iron touches the fabric in my experience. My markings are always in the seam allowances so I'm not worried about them showing if something goes wrong, so I would definitely suggest lots of testing before using them on such beautiful quilts in visible places if you decide to try them!!

  4. I love the tulip pattern you are quilting in the white... hope I am calling it the right flower type! lol
    Your quilting is beautiful on this quilt top... good job this week!

    1. I just call this stencil a feather design. Thanks!

  5. I used the disappearing marker on a quilt years ago and have never had a problem with it. I love how you are quilting this particular quilt. I do like that pretty swag that you are using in the white border. I look forward to seeing what you decide for the center.

  6. Such beautiful quilting! I'm looking forward to seeing how you decide to quilt the centre.
    I've had problems with pattern markers in the past, too; marks that disappear too soon, and those that don't disappear at all! Which is worse? Now I use the least permanent, and just mark a small section at a time.

  7. I like how you are quilting this quilt. I too use the blue pen and never a problem.

  8. Your quilting is lovely, and is really enhancing this vintage top. Marking is always a problem, but we just have to do the best we can. After all, you can't quilt the marks if you can't see them!

  9. I always smile when I check in and see your quilting progress. Such beautiful stitches.

  10. Those purple and blue marks should come off. I always find that those pens always disappear before I finish what I am quilting. Your quilting is coming along beautifully, Gretchen.

  11. I've tried a few of those disappearing markers over the years, but found they could disappear faster than I could quilt... Nowadays, I stick pretty much to pencils - both regular and white leads - and a light touch.
    I always love seeing your quilting, and this is beautiful! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do in the center.

  12. Gorgeous quilting. I always find those pens disappear before I am finished. Happy stitching!

  13. So lovely! it was interesting to read about how you mark for the stitching... thanks for sharing that! Also fun that the quilt is telling you as you go along what it wants for the designs :)
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  14. Your stitching is beautiful. I found your marking pen explanations helpful as I have never done any patterns when quilting, always using straight lines and or following lines. I may start venturing out of my comfort zone and need to read up on the right marking pencils. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Your doing such a wonderful job quilting....lovely.

  16. It is looking great. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  17. I love that design on the white border! Gorgeous work as usual, Gretchen!

  18. Beautiful quilting and this one is going to be one you keep! Hugs

  19. Beautiful progress on this quilt! I never tried a blue or purple pen, but looks like it's working for you.
    Thanks for sharing on the link party!

  20. You must be tired of reading the same thing over and over ...LOL! but your quilting is fabulous. Thank you for the info regarding marking the quilt top. I have read that from Sue Garman, but we tend to forget these things. Thanks for the reminder. Have you tried white chaco liner for the other fabrics. I have used that and although it can brush off, at least you won't get any surprises later.

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