Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Easy Breezy

Bonnie Hunter has a new leader/ender project out called Easy Breezy. I didn't plan on starting this quilt but I saw the blocks other people were making and decided I was going to make just 1 block to see what I thought.

I pulled strips from the 2" box and prepped 4 of the 6" finished blocks. They looked so nice, I decided to prep more, I ended up with 34 blocks in my favorite blues with some yellow.

I wonder how these blocks would look in a larger size, how about 8" finished?

The pieces in the 8" blocks are made with strips from the 2-1/2" box.

Then I sewed 2 6" finished blocks with autumn fabrics.

I didn't intend to start a new project, now I've started 3!

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Midweek Makers, Wednesday Wait LossNeedle & Thread Thursday


  1. Hey. This is just what I need to start with. I have some batiks that will be easy to do Easy Breezy. Hugs

  2. HAHAHA... those little blocks are addicted. I've been working on them for a while and have a bunch... probably not as many as you yet as I had another easy block to make for a swap. Both are coming along nicely. I like that you stuck with one color to begin with. I think mine are going to be hard to pull together with all sorts of different colors. Maybe more than 1 quilt like you've planned?

    1. This pattern is very easy to make. I can see several quilts in the future from this pattern.

  3. LOL I started this year off determined not to start anything I couldn't finish this year but I keep finding more quilts I want to make! I will look forward to seeing your progress on these 3 projects. You might tempt me to join in. So far, I am resisting. LOL

  4. I like the Easy Breezy blocks, too - have just made a few in the 6 inch size. Fun to see yours!

  5. I have yet to join in on one of hers but I might look into it this time. Looks fun!

    1. These blocks sew fast, there's no HST's. I'm enjoying myself anyway.

  6. Bonnie's quilts always have so many pieces! I haven't done many and I don't know why because a lot of my quilts have many pieces!

    1. After piecing Dear Jane and Nearly Insane, 12 pieces in a 6" finished block doesn't really seem like a lot. I'm able to chain stitch, I think they sew up fast.

  7. great minds - I blogged mine today too. Are you going scrappy or rainbowy?

    1. I pulled all the blue and yellow strings from the 2" strip box. There might be a rainbow quilt later but for now I'm sewing blues.

  8. Hi Gretchen! HAHA - no plans for a new project and now you've got three. I have to say . . . you may just be passing on a squirrel project to a few more friends. Those blocks look tempting, and I do have a fairly full scrap box of pieces that are just the right size. Hmm. No. I don't need another project right now. No. No. No. HAHAHAHA! You know I'll be thinking about this post all day. Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. I sewed more blue blocks today! The 8" finished blocks were stuck in the 2-1/2" strips box for later. The autumn blocks are on a tray with more pieces prepped but they have to wait their turn. I'm sewing the blues now!

  9. Whoops! Those darned "What If's" will get you every time!!! :o))

  10. That's the way it goes when you find a fun quick pattern. Loved your fabrics. These will be lovely quilts. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss
