Friday, August 14, 2020

RSC Purple

I have 2 projects for the RSC, circle of squares and  scrappy sprouts. Here they are in their purple glory.

I have no idea why the squares in this picture are rectangular, blogger did it, not me! This is just plain weird!!

Not all the squares are totally purple but if it has the color purple in it, I'm calling it purple.


  1. I need to dig out my purples and get busy - yours look really nice

  2. Looks like a stretch picture! Love the purples!

  3. I just realized that on your sprouts blocks, even the background and the stems are purple. That’s cool. Mine all have green stems! Boring, right! Oh well!

  4. Like your blocks. When I saw the title and the rectangles, I wondered why you called it circlce of squares, then you told the story! too funny

  5. Love your purples... I am loving your 2 RSC projects each month... and I am glad you are getting so much accomplished too <3 Kathi

  6. Awesome scrappy blocks using up the purple scraps! Blogger has a mind of it's own these days!!

  7. Nice job on your PURPLE blocks for the RSC, Gretchen!!

  8. I agree - if a fabric has purple in it, put it in a purple block! Yours are looking great!

  9. Oh I like your purples.... I wonder why blogger rectangled your squares? but you know.... gives you a whole new idea for a block!!

  10. Those circle in the squares are pretty neat... even with the distorted photo! Blogger sure is doing some weird things lately.

  11. Purple in all its glory is right!

  12. I clicked on the picture and got the true-to-size version! Very pretty!

  13. Purple is a great colour. I hope you come back and link up your quilt finish when it's done. Thanks for linking up with Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.

  14. Pretty colors. A lot of people are having issues with the new blogger, I hope you figure out why it distorted your blocks. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down last week.
