Sunday, July 19, 2020

Slow Sunday Stitching the Resale Quilt

I'm surprised, no one has told me the name of this quilt! I'm sure someone out there knows. One commentator mentioned a variation of Boston Commons which makes sense but there has to be an official name somewhere! For now I'm calling it the Resale quilt.

For the outside border, the quilting is Baptist fan. Notice it curves to the right. This flimsy must have been too small for the original quilter. She added white strips to the outside to make it larger. The quilting seems to have taken care of the puckers in the outside border.

For the pieced border, I've again use the Baptist fan stencil. The corner is marked the same as the white border but the curve is to the left.

I've also stitched in the ditch between the white border and the pieced border on both sides.

The next white border is quilted. The aqua border is also ditch stitched.

Does the white border cable design look familiar? I used the same design for the outside border of Grandma's embroidered blocks wall quilt.

This is a smaller stencil of the same design which I have in 3 different sizes.

I'm using Sulky #12 thread for the quilting.

The variegated pastel rainbow thread is the thread for stitching in the ditch. 

The light gray is the thread for the pieced border and the pieced center.

 The light blue variegated thread quilted the white border. The light blue is the same thread I used on the outside border of Grandma's wall quilt. This quilt stitches so nicely, I'm having fun with the quilting.

This Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another.  If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.


  1. Wow - this quilting is really coming along. I love it!

  2. the quilting looks great and I bet it will tame all the ruffles that were in it.

  3. I am not sure, but think this is a take off on Kevin’s summer project last year. What do you think?

  4. I always love how your quilts come alive with the quilting! Your thread choices look perfect and will help make it ♪sing♪ all the more!

    My guess is that there is no name to this pattern ... and that the maker just kept putting their scrappy squares together and adding on, making the design up as s/he went. ITA that the white border was probably where because the maker wanted it a bit bigger. Or maybe ... s/he was planning to add more scrappy squares? Then later, the project was abandoned?

    Good Luck ... looking forward to seeing it shining with all its beauty as you work along, then finish!

  5. So pretty! Your thread choice really gets me thinking about options, you have introduced me to so many new ideas Gretchen!

  6. I'm glad the quilting is going so well for you! I wondered how it would be when you showed all the puckering last week. Looks like it's going to be beautiful!

  7. I don't know the name of the quilt, but you are making it gorgeous. Thanks for posting a pic of the threads you are using. I always wondered about that.

  8. I just love your use of baptist fan stencil in two different directions... love the white inner border stencil too... your quilting is just divine... sorry if there is no official name for this pattern... but it is a lovely quilt made lovelier with your stitching!
    Hope you have it done in time for whenever you get to return to a retreat :) The person who put this on the resale table then may be sorry she didn't hand quilt it too <3 Kathi

  9. Oh my goodness! Just look at that beautiful hand stitching! Someone will be very sad they let this one go, lol;)❤️❤️ —Tracy @It’s a T-Sweets Day!

  10. Oh how beautiful! I just love the fan quilting and really must find something that I can quilt this design on!
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  11. Hi Gretchen, I scrolled down and saw the resale flimsy - gosh what a lovely quilt and your hand quilting is taking it to the next level - it's beautiful!

  12. Wonderful, you are making this old beauty come alive!

  13. I love the quilting design you choose, the cable is perfect, and fans too!

  14. As usual, your quilting looks great. I like the idea of a bigger thread (I'm assuming the 12 weight is bigger than our usual piecing thread. I have a orange peel quilt that has sat for years because I just don't want to do a panto on the long arm. My self guided long arm skills leaves a lot to be maybe hand quilting with a bit bigger thread might be what I should do. Of course, I've got a hand quilting project I need to finish first! Thanks for the idea.

  15. Beautiful quilting, really enhances the quilt.

  16. So glad YOU rescued this lonely flimsy, and are quilting it!

  17. Oh my... aren’t you just a cruising with that needle! Beautiful work.
