Tuesday, July 21, 2020


One project I don't blog about is my knitting skill. I see other bloggers showing their socks, sweater, afghans and other lovelies they knit.

I don't have that skill level, maybe I would if I didn't prefer to make quilts. Some evenings I'm tired of quilts and just sit and watch TV. Of course I can't sit and do nothing so I knit dishcloths.

Dishcloths make nice thank you gifts. After I finish one, I just lay it on the pile upstairs in my sewing room. The other night I brought the pile downstairs then wove the threads into the cloths. I decided to take a picture and show you what I've accomplished over the last year.

I use Lily brand cotton yarn. There is always yarn left from a skein so some of the cloths have a several rows of leftover yarn added for some contrast.

I have no idea where the above pinkish skein came from and it really doesn't match the variegated edge. There probably won't be enough of the pink to make a full sized dishcloth but I'll just make it smaller. I'll keep it for myself, it will wash dishes just fine.

The large cone of variegated yard came from a Ben Franklin store in Bowling Green, Ohio. I purchased it before 2008 along with several other cones. This is the last one to be used up. Cones make a LOT of dishcloths!

I don't know where I found the pattern I am using now, I do know it was a free pattern from where ever I found it. Seed Stitch Dish Cloth - With a size #6 circular needle cast on 40 stitches. Row 1 & 2 – knit. Row 3 & 4 – Knit 2 *K1 P1 repeat from * across to last 2 stitches k2. Repeat rows 1 – 4 for pattern until measures 9” (same as bottom edge), ending with Rows 1 & 2. Bind off.  

I've started using a size 4 needle so the knitting is more tight. This does make a smaller dishcloth but it's still larger enough to get the dishes clean.


  1. I had no idea that you also knitted! Thanks for sharing these :)

    1. Dishcloths are the extent of my knitting skill but it is relaxing.

  2. I agree if I didn't quilt so much I would be a better knitter. I practice at it but it takes forever to get something done as I am doing way more quilting. Those stacks of dish clothes look nice!

  3. They are so pretty! I love knitting dishcloths and using them. Thank you for the pattern you used. Enjoy you week. Hugs,

  4. I love your little dishcloths! I'm not much of a knitter either, but could probably have fun making dishcloths. Thanks for sharing the yarn and pattern you use!

  5. Hi Gretchen! I love, love, LOVE the knitted dish cloths. My sister used to crochet them before she passed, and my other sister knits them. Your selection of what you've finished look so pretty. I am very familiar with the Lily cotton yarn - it's just perfect for this use. Thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Oh Gretchen, I can hardly wait until I can start knitting, embroidering, quilting, appliqueing again!!!!!!!! It has been almost 7 months but somehow I will catch up with you - maybe 2024! LOL. Hugs. Your dish cloths are so colorful and very well knitted.

  7. I'm a knitter on the side as well. I would love to be able to knit little sweaters for kids (and maybe even for me?) but I'm not there either. I make a lot of scarves--I love cables--but I also enjoy dishcloths very much. I should do more of those! Quilting always takes precedence but I still try to get some knitting in every winter. It's so relaxing!

  8. I don't knit... I barely crochet even... I am envious of your skills and have been admiring your handiwork since it came to my inbox on your blog... Just lovely work you do making those hand cloths... My best friend knitted me some and we use them all the time! Happy knitting! Kathi

  9. I know what you mean about having something for your hands to do while watching television. I have often lamented that I dare not learn to knit or crochet too well, for I would have a big ol' stash of yarn to go with my big ol' stash of quilting fabric. One hobby is enough for me, I'm afraid! (PS: I do have crochet hooks, knitting needles and a bit of yarn - it would be so easy to become hooked!)

  10. Your dishcloths are lovely. Before quilting, I knitted sweaters, blankets, scarfs. Now I too knit washcloths (only) and they make awesome gifts. I also use them in my kitchen.

  11. I like using the knitted and crocheted dishcloths. Yours are so pretty!

  12. I bet they make great gifts! And they are so lovely. Thanks for sharing your knitting this week on Wednesday Wait Loss.
