Sunday, June 7, 2020

Row 3 Quilted

Last week I showed you the finished row 2. I had finished quilting row 2 earlier in the week, so I rolled and started in on row 3.

Even though this week has been extremely busy with baling hay, I got a lot of hand quilting in. Since my sewing project is a scrappy start and stop project, I don't feel pressured to keep at it. That means more time for hand quilting.

I finished row 3 this week and here are the blocks.

This pansy is so cute!

I don't know what these flowers are.

I especially like this tiger lily.

Are these canterbury bells?

Not sure what these flowers are.

I've rolled and have started quilting on row 4. Since there are 5 rows in this quilt, I'm more than half way finished!!

Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another.  If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.
Linking to Patchwork & QuiltsKathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Show & Tell MondayMonday MakingDesign Wall MondayBOM's Away


  1. I am sew in love with the circles for your embroidered blocks... I love how the quilt is looking... already to row 4 of 5!!! YAY :) Kathi

  2. I love seeing your progress! How beautiful :)

  3. The rope design on the sashing looks great! I seem to struggle with how to quilt sashings. Before you know it this one will be ready to hang and enjoy!

    1. I'm enjoying quilting this quilt and the quilting is going fast. I have the next flimsy on the table in my cutting room, slowing getting it marked as the next quilt in the frame. It should be ready to go in plenty of time.

      Someone remarked last week that I have a lot of stencils. Stencils don't cost much, especially the smaller sashing ones. The outside border stencil is one I have in 3 different sizes. When I go to a quilt show or a quilt store, I always look at the stencils. I'm always on the look for something I really like. I purchased the circle I'm using on the embroidered blocks 2 years ago at the One Stop Shop Hop in Kokomo, Indiana. This is the first time I've used it. When I purchased it, I didn't know what I'd use it for but I knew someday I would. I also purchased a large square stencil the same day, haven't used it yet but if I ever need it, I'll have it on hand.

    2. I forgot to say that among my quilting friends, I'm the go to person when they're looking for stencils for a quilt since I have a large selection. I do more hand quilting than most quilters so it stands to reason I would have more stencils.

  4. Those flowers that you don't know look like lily of the valley. They are pretty but invasive. I am currently trying to pull a whole bunch of them out at my mother's home as they are taking over her astilbe plants. I love your quilting. I am enjoying watching your progress.

    1. I have some lily of the valley. I guess it was the color that threw me. Yes, it does spread but I planted it in a place where I needed ground cover so I'm glad to have it spread there. I love astilbe, but unfortunately it doesn't last in my flowerbeds. It looks lovely the first year, then next year it does come back but doesn't grow full size. The 3rd year it never returns. Guess our winters are too challenging.

  5. I don't remember have you said if you have a stencil for the circle you are quilting for the rounds? if you don't have a stencil are you eyeballing it

    1. Yes, I have a stencil for these blocks. If I were eyeing it, those circles would definitely not be circular and not evenly spaced! The stencil is for a 12" square so it easily works for these blocks.

  6. Your embroidered blocks are beautiful. Enjoy your quilting!

  7. Lovely embroidered flowers, even if they have no name! Beautiful hand quilting.
    Thank you for share with Patchwork & Quilts link party.

  8. Great progress on your beautiful quilting! I love seeing this progress!

  9. Those are such pretty blocks! Your quilting really adds to them, too.

  10. Beautiful blocks and quilting, Gretchen. I am going to guess the 2nd block is a lily of the valley, and the 4th might be a carnation. Great progress on this beauty!

  11. Another row, and half fabulous. Every embroidered flower with circle after circle dancing around it is filled with visual delight.

  12. Lily of the valley - they start out white and yellow as they age. Perhaps white embroidery doesn’t show up very well on white background, and she chose yellow. Canterbury bells - yes you are right. Last picture I think is carnation. This is turning out so pretty, you are making your Grandma proud.

  13. The lilies are my favorite too. Could the other be crocus? I love the hand quilting.

  14. I admire your hand quilting! I love the flowers ... this is going to be a beautiful quilt!

  15. How are you making your circles so perfect?

  16. The embroidery was beautiful on its own, but the spiral hand quilting just pushes it over the top! I, too, would like to see the spiral stencil you're using. Do you remember where you purchased it?

  17. And I was thinking Coral Bells for the first unknown block. Perhaps someone should check our friend Google?

  18. Well, trying again on the iMAC! Did not work on the iPad or iPhone so here goes
    Love your work!

  19. Are the block flowers on block 2 Holly Hocks? Hugs
