Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Nameless Quilt

I'm still working on the nameless project. In my last post about these blocks, someone commented that they were called Indian Hatchet blocks. I googled it and found a pattern here.

My blocks are different in that I'm using different sized triangles and setting the small blocks differently.

I sewed a lot of squares then sew them into blocks. So far I've sewn 14 of the 8" finished blocks. This is not the final arrangement, just for fun to see my progress.

Then I got busy and pieced more of the small blocks. These are the triangles that are left. It's not surprising that there are more blue triangles than any other color.  There isn't much variety anymore.

Several people commented that putting sashing in between the blocks would look nice, I agree with that idea. It would certainly simplify sewing the blocks together.

But for now, I'll keep piecing the larger blocks until I've used most of the small blocks. I don't know how large this quilt will be. It maybe I'll just keep working on and off on this quilt for several years until I decide it's large enough. Then I'll decide how to put it together.

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Midweek MakersWednesday Wait LossClever ChameleonPut Your Foot DownNeedle & Thread Thursday


  1. Good for you saving those little fabric pieces from going into the landfill:)

  2. I have used a pattern something like that in the past but the whit in the block was narrower I don't remember what it was called.

  3. Hi Gretchen! I love this project using up all the smaller pieces of your stash. I also love that you're not stressed one bit about getting it finished or even how it will look. Thanks so much for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. I like your blocks made with different size triangles! They create interesting centers!

  5. It looks great. Like a garden trellis. Thanks for the link to the block. I have some bonus triangles I’m trying to use up.

  6. Like the colors! I also like nameless-gives a person more room to be themselves instead of toeing the line. Hot work baling hay!

  7. What a bright and cherry quilt this will be - This would be fun to make - thx for the link!

  8. This is so fun! Scrap quilts are my favorite :)

  9. It sounds like you have a good plan for a long term project

  10. Gretchen... I really like this quilot without sashing... I think the background white pattern when they all come together is awesome! Such a fun quilt for sure :) I <3 Love It !!!

  11. Nameless is going to beautiful, it already is and its not even a top.

  12. I'm all about scrappy, which enticed me to click over and see your beauty.

  13. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down. Please come back and share this finish. Like I said yesterday, its going to be beautiful.

  14. This is going to be such a pretty quilt! It is fun having the blocks on the wall to see how far you've come!

  15. Wow this is very pretty. Love how scrappy it is. I think sashing would be nice but it sure looks lovely now! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  16. I really like this. All the colors make it sparkle!

  17. Wonderful scrap quilt.... refreshing to hear someone admit that they might just toy with an idea for years until it finds it's finished form. I hope you enjoy every moment. Thanks for sharing at the Chameleon's Colour & Inspiration party.
