Friday, May 29, 2020

Moda Love Flimsy

The Moda Love flimsy is finished and measures 63" by 83". To finish the center, I added a cream border, a checkerboard border and finally a brown outside border.

A dark brown outer border would have looked better but someone gave me yards of the medium brown fabric so I used it.

This is a not so great photo of the flimsy on the porch glider.

This flimsy is a comforter top and will be donated to the MCC comforter bash to be knotted this fall if life is somewhat back to normal.

Earlier posts about this project  are here and here

This is a link to the free Moda Love pattern in 3 sizes.

The star center was pieced from a charm pack which fits in with Sarah's Charmed I'm Sure!, Hands 2 Help 2020 challenge.

Sometime I will use this design for another charity quilt but I think I'll add log cabin blocks to the top and bottom for length.

I've had these flannel pieces waiting for several months to have the edges finished by zigzagging. They're finally finished so there are 4 large sized receiving blankets washed and ready for delivery to the Family Christian Family Development Center in Nappanee to be used in the well baby program.

Linking to Peacock Party, TGIFF!Brag About Your BeautiesFinished Or Not FridayH2H 2020Oh Scrap 


  1. I love that star - is that one called a Carpenter's Wheel or I'm I thinking another pattern?

  2. Good for you for using what you have on hand to finish off this beauty! I'm always timid about using brown in my quilts, and your use of it here creates a more traditional and gender-neutral palette. This will be a lovely addition to a family's home, if not this fall than sometime soon, I hope. : )

  3. Lovely top, I am sure it will bring someone comfort. As to the star, that is not the same as Carpenter's Star, but very similar in look.

  4. Congrats on the finish! Moda Love is a great pattern! I did not sign up for the H2H project this year. I use 2 different long arm quilters and both are snow birds. With the Covid 19 dilemma, I wasn’t sure either one would be home in time to quilt something for me. I have a small baby quilt with MJ now...I’ll get it bound and sent off...just not under the wing of H2H.

  5. I love the quilt and hope that your group can get to finishing it in the fall. Best of luck and thanks for linking to TGIFF!

  6. Moda Love turned our quite nice and will make a wonderful comforter... I hope there is time for joining together for finishing this flimsy.
    I love your receiving blankets too... very nice :) What a great week for completing donation things for you :)

  7. This one turned out very nice! Someone will certainly enjoy it!

  8. Beautiful Moda Love Gretchen; I like the way you have enlarged the size.

  9. Isn't this Moda pattern great? I recently made one with a layer cake.

    1. I have an idea how to make the layer cake size into a queen size. Someday! I think the star is so striking. Happy stitching!

  10. I like all the borders you added to your Moda Love!

  11. What a generous and wonderful donation quilt, Gretchen!

  12. I think it is so pretty - and I like the medium brown border - I think it makes the inner star really the focus point!

  13. Love the colors on your flimsy, and that wonderful center star! Such a nice thing to do for someone in need.

  14. Great colors in your quilt. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  15. Great work, Gretchen! I especially love your take on the Moda Love pattern! Thanks for being part of Hands2Help 2020!
