Saturday, May 30, 2020

RSC Pink

The RSC color for May was dark greens but I sewed all the greens for Modern Amish earlier this year when the color was light/bright greens.

So instead of dark green, I pulled fuchsia fabrics and sewed blocks. I had taken a picture earlier in May to show you but it disappeared into the abyss somewhere never to be found. 

Since pink is the color for June, I'm ahead for once! Here is the 2nd photo of my fuchsia blocks for Modern Amish.

There is one more color I want to use in this quilt, I think I'll go ahead and sew them in June. I'm ready to get this quilt into the flimsy stage. I'm really bad at BOM's, I get tired of dragging the project out, I want to get it finished now!

Linking to UFO Busting, Scrap Happy Saturday


  1. I hear you on the dragging BOMs. I am doing the Moda weekly one and I am just about done with it. But maybe that's because I am 3 weeks behind right now. LOL

  2. I still have pink but not sure when I will get started on them - I should this weekend so I can finish that one for the month and continue on with the pineapple blocks. I am only making one RSC are you making more than one?

    1. I have 2 RSC projects, Modern Amish and the Ohio Stars but I don't want pink Ohio Stars in my quilt. I'll be making red next for Modern Amish, I'll probably pull reds for the Ohio Stars too.

  3. As long as you are USING your scraps, there is no harm in finishing up early. Then you are free to start another RSC project!! :o))

    1. I'm not using scraps but fat quarters I bought years ago for this project and I don't even feel guilty about it!! I am using the leftovers from these fabrics for another quilt though.

  4. Using any fabric you bought years ago, is very satisfying in my opinion! Well done and great to be ahead!

  5. This will be a great looking scrap quilt, no doubt!

  6. Another pretty one coming down the pike! Hugs

  7. Beautiful Amish blocks. They look a bit fussy but yours look square on! Great job. Funny how you don't like BOMs to drag on. I usually find that they go too fast for me! YIKES! Confirmation that I'm a very slow sewer. Haha!

  8. I understand your impatience with BOM's. If I've got the fabric out, and I am able, I will get at it.
