Sunday, July 28, 2019

Lucy's Back!

Do you remember Lucy? I had decided on the border fabric last winter. I've finally attached it. I decided the easiest way to go was to just baste the flimsy to the fabric then hand applique, obviously I removed the EPP papers first.

After I finished appliqueing, I carefully cut the center out of the backing.

I had planned to hand quilt Lucy but now I've changed my mind. The seam allowance on the backside is wider than 1/4" which makes quilting 1/4" from the edge difficult. I've decided to quilt 1/4" from the edge with my sewing machine. I'll still hand quilt the outside border.

Here's a close up of the back.

Since Lucy isn't going to be hand quilted, this means Sweet Surrender is next on the quilting frame. This is a link to my last post about Sweet Surrender.

Some people mark their quilts as they quilt. I don't, I'll get the marking done in August and into the quilting frame.

Here's a link to a BOM  called Happy Little Things which starts in August.  The information is found on Jacquelynne Steves website. Looks like fun!

I'm going to take the month of August off from posting. See you back here Sunday, September 1st! Hopefully Lucy will be finished by then and Sweet Surrender will be in the hand quilting frame.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, HQAL, Oh Scrap, Bambi's Show & Tell MondayMonday Making, Design Wall MondayBOM's AwayMoving It Forward, WIPs On Wednesday


  1. JUst love your Sweet Surrender, gorgeous quilt and a great name too!

  2. Beautiful projects. It will be fun to see the updates in September. Enjoy the blog vacation.

  3. enjoy your blog vacation - I just might take some time off this fall.

  4. Enjoy your blog break Gretchen! Sweet Surrender looks just amazing. Do I understand correctly, you mark the entire quilt before you put it in the frame? I've been thinking that's what I need to do. Marking before sandwiching seems like it would be much easier to accomplish.

    1. Yes, I mark as much as possible before I put the quilt into the frame. On the white background I will lightly mark with a PaperMate Sharpwriter #2 mechanical pencil, the keyword here being LIGHTLY! For the darker diamonds, I'll sew a Sewline white fabric pencil. Some of the white will get rubbed off and I may need to remark some in the frame but hopefully not all. For me it's easier to mark ahead of time so it's done.

    2. That is the way to go on that for sure, especially for hand quilting!

  5. Enjoy your blogging break. Sweet Surrender is beautiful!

  6. I love the decisions you have made Gretchen... I look foward to seeing your Lucy get machine quilted in the center and hooped for the border after that... but Sweet Surrender will be a fun fall stitch! :)

  7. Both of your projects are beautiful, I love the colors of Lucy.

  8. Both quilts are so lovely! Sounds like a good call to machine quilt Lucy with so many seams. Looking forward to watching the quilting progress on Sweet Surrender in the fall!

  9. I mark as I go sometimes but I also have times when I mark the whole quilt. Your routine sounds close to mine. I need to get trailing vines marked when I get back from vacation so it's ready when the cooler weather arrives. Your sweet surrender quilt is awesome in all those 30's fabrics! Looking forward to seeing how you will quilt it

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. OK let me start again! Your Lucy is absolute beautiful. The colors blend and are so striking. You picked a beautiful matching blue for the border - brings out all the beautiful colors. These are my favorite colors.

    Now to Sweet Surrender - You did such a beautiful job on making this quilt! I would imagine the quilting will be excellent. Enjoy your Blog vacation - I will be taking one later in the month! See you in September!!!!!

  12. Very nice quilts. Sweet Surrender is one of my favorite newer quilt patterns. Enjoy your time off, yet looking forward to your return.

  13. Enjoy your blogging break. I look forward to seeing both Lucy and Sweet Surrender in the Spring.

  14. I like both projects, and that blue is perfect with your Lucy blocks. Sweet Surrender is going to be awesome hand quilted!

  15. Just a few days ago, I was thinking the popularity of Lucy had waned as I wasn't seeing them on blogs or Instagram. And here you are with yours. I have always thought the blocks are so interesting.

  16. Sweet Surrender is gorgeous! A Lucy Quilt is on my "to do one day" list. Yours is beautiful!

  17. Both quilts are beautiful! Thanks for sharing with Moving it Forward.
