Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Spring Splash

 I ran across the cutest baby quilt on Lovin' Life at the End of the Dirt Road called Spring Splash. The link to the Spring Splash pattern is here.

I'm always on the lookout for simple crib quilts so I downloaded the pattern. I had a perfect floral fabric and used leftover background fabric from Nearly Insane.

Here is my Spring Splash or maybe I should call it Summer Sun since it's July. It measures 41" square unfinished.

Even though I've taken these pictures in the shade, it's very bright out today and the yellow doesn't show as well as it should. 

Since this is a small quilt, I'll quilt it myself with my sewing machine. I think I'm going to be brave and quilt orange peels in the checkerboard border. I think I will anyway, we'll see what happens.

Linking to Let's Bee Social,  Needle & Thread Thursday, Let's Make Baby Quilts, Peacock Party, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Brag About Your Beauties, Finished Or Not Friday


  1. This is a beautiful baby quilt. I love the checkerboard border. Summer does have it's challenges for taking pictures, doesn't it?

  2. Hey Gretchen... what a cute baby quilt... we have had a busy week here and I am finally getting old UFO projects moved back to the forefront here... and making hand quilting progress along the way :)
    I have 2 quilts I will be machine quilting... I look forward to seeing how you do your planned pattern in the checkerboard... I am thinking just straight or wavy organic lines down or across these quilts to get them done and in use... they are for 2 boys that my daughter loves in KY... I used leftovers of lots of fun kid themed fabrics and just had fun with each quilt top... now those flimsies are ready to become quilts... surely 3 months or more is long enough for marination!!! LOL
    Enjoy this sweet flimsy finishing and binding maybe by Sunday or is this a longer term quilting project??

  3. It's a cute little quilt and a good pattern to have on hand! It looks great with the floral print and has many possibilities for other other fabrics too!

  4. Great way to use up your leftovers from NI! I like it!

  5. That's a great pattern and a lovely baby quilt!

  6. Very lovely and nice size for a baby! I checked out your Nearly Insane quilt and that is one beautiful accomplishment!

  7. Such a lovely design, many thanks for sharing the link.

  8. It's a perfect baby quilt, bright and happy. Thanks for sharing the link.

  9. It's very pretty! I prefer quilts that are not babyish for babies. I think you should do the orange peels, a few wobbles won't be noticable once it's washed. Thanks for lining up to TGIFF!

  10. This is super sweet, Gretchen. I love the soft fabrics and soothing colors. It looks like a fantastic quilt to practice orange peels on, as it will not show inconsistencies much. Hey - if you're quilting it up soon, how would you feel about sharing it as a hosting spot for TGIFF for Aug 9th or 16th? Right now those spots are empty. We can provide code for the link-up, so it doesn't matter if you don't have a subscription for that. :)
