Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Pastor's Attic Quilt, the Last Post

My Pastor's Attic quilt is completely finished, including the label.

The Pastor's Attic quilt is a Baltimore Album quilt replicated by Marsha D. Radke.

Most Baltimore Album quilts are red/green/yellow but I couldn't bring myself to use those colors. When I saw these blacks, beiges and reds on display at the Pumpkinvine quilt shop, I knew I had found my colors.

I appliqued this first block in November 2015 and now 3-1/2 years later, the quilt is completely finished.

You may read about the start of this quilt on my Word Press blog.
The entire quilt displayed on my clothesline. 

The quilting started on October 5, 2018 and took me 29 weeks and 885 yards of thread to quilt. If you count the weeks on a calendar you'll see it is 30 weeks but I'm not counting the week I took off to hand quilt the medallion on Wilfred & Cloves.

I made a few changes to the quilt blocks. There were 2 blocks which I didn't like so I didn't make them. This block was a substitute for one of them.

I appliqued a red block in this same design as the above black one.

I also changed the border. If you click on the link of the Pastor's Attic above, you'll see that the border is actually appliqued in a zig-zag setting. I didn't like that zig-zag. When I said I planned to change the border, I had some people commented they liked it the zig-zag way. Fine, put it on your own quilt, I don't care. But this is MY quilt so I set the borders MY way!

View of the border while laying on bed.

Another change I made was the corner of the border. I've used a block from the 1857 quilt from Sentimental Stitches.

I decreased the size from the original pattern.

Close ups of quilting stencils. The pictures all got run together but you can see the designs just fine.

Marsha included a design for the label. Her version has
appliqued flowers and leaves. My applique skills are not oriented towards teeny, tiny applique so I opted for embroidery.

You can read about my Pastor's Attic Quilt adventure, a Baltimore Album Quilt here.

This is a link to the book on Amazon Prime. I'm sure you can track it down other places too. As you can see, the price is all over the place. 

I'm pleased with my quilt and my accomplishment. I have always wanted to make a totally appliqued quilt, now I have!

Linking to Peacock Party, Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Oh Scrap, Bambi's Show & Tell Monday, Monday MakingDesign Wall MondayBOM's AwayMoving It Forward


  1. Your finished quilt is gorgeous. I have enjoyed watching your progress. Your color choices are fantastic and your changes in the pattern make it uniquely yours. I look forward to seeing what you do next.

  2. Wow, that is a stunning quilt, beautifully quilted!

  3. This is a masterpiece! Fantastic hand quilting and all your choice of colors, blocks and the way you have done everything is amazing. :-)

  4. You should be pleased so much work goes into a Baltimore. Congratulations on sticking to your guns and making this quilt the way you wanted too! I agree about quilt making I make my quilts the way I want to, afterall I will be the one to own and enjoy it! Your turned out stunning, your hand quilting and the time you put into it really makes it shine.

  5. Congratulations on an incredible lifetime accomplishment!
    The quilt is amazing and I really appreciate all the touches that make it your own, especially the border you added!

  6. beautiful quilt it turned out so fine! love the colors you chose to work with - yes always make a quilt the way you want to make it - it is your quilt!!

  7. Absolutely beautiful and everyone should feel free to adapt a pattern to their own desires. BTW, I think you meant you started the hand quilting in October 2018, didn't you? Can't wait to see what you tackle next.

    1. Thanks for pointing the incorrect year out to me! I've updated the post now for the correct year. Next hand quilting project is going to be a small one.

  8. You were just starting the first blocks when we met at your farm. My book is still in a project box with fabrics I bought years ago to make it. It is lovely and a great accomplishment considering all the other things you do..

    1. My applique stitches improved from that first block. This was a fun project to make. Happy stitching!

  9. I have been watching your progress for most of the 3 1/2 years. A journey for sure. You can be very proud of your accomplishment. And yes, the quilt is yours and you were free to make any changes that suited you.

  10. You have one a wonderful nod, Pastors Attic was certainly huge commitment. I've enjoyed seeing you work on this, and now its done, label and all. Do you feel sad or relieved the job is now done? What next?

    1. I have mixed feelings. I'm excited to have finished such a long term project but in a way I feel at loose ends since it's finished. I have put a different project in the quilting frame, you'll see it next Sunday.

  11. This quilt is stunning. I would love to see it in person. It is definitely a quilt to be proud of! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  12. Wow! Absolutely stunning, Gretchen! I have so enjoyed watching your process,a fantastic accomplishment! xx

  13. I waited until today to open your blog post.. I have savored waiting to see the finish of Pastor's Attic as our weekend was busy and it wouldn't have my full attention like this time of the morning would give it during the week... it is NOT disappoint! I LOVE IT! I love the binding the applique the border applique decisions your label... I love it all!!! You should put a hanging sleeve on it for shows girl! I have a great youtube vid on how to do that if you need it or you may already have your own way.
    I wish I could applique like you... sometime we have to meet and share ideas for sure! I can understand how you are at loose ends after completing a quilt that took over 6 months to finish ... I have done that and felt the same... that quilt gave a rhythm to your life for 30 weeks!!! Now focus on some new projects and enjoy shorter journeys until another different kind of long term project calls out to ya :D I love it and I am so glad I follow you!

  14. Your Pastor's Attic quilt is truly a most amazing masterpiece, Gretchen. Your choice of fabrics, your applique, your incredible quilting is truly a testament to your skill. It has been a delight to visit your lovely place each time and see the progress of this beautiful quilt. A most sublime finish! I wonder what you will stitch next??

  15. Oh, wow!! Gretchen, it's beautiful!! Your label is so pretty for it, too. What a fantastic accomplishment. Your staying power inspires me. I've had to work hard at training myself to last for longer periods with a given project. It must feel strange to not need to spend time with this now! By the way, I completely adore your border and corner changes. It looks more harmonious.

  16. Your quilt is absolutely stunning! I love your color choices, your changes and that border! Your label is lovely - and the amount of thread used is quite impressive. Congratulations on such a life-changing accomplishment!

  17. Your quilt is stunning! Thanks for sharing with Moving it Forward.

  18. Oh Gretchen it is so so beautiful. your colours are well and truly charming in this design. It was interesting to see the star block you did in black and red, ho different they looked, I had to look twice to see if it was the same block ???? In the red it looked a lot more delicate and airy??? Your quilting is impeccable and so so lovely to look at. Love the changes you made and yes it IS YOUR QUILT some people forget that it is OK to change some parts on a quilt design. Cheers and happy stitching Glenda

  19. What a wonderful quilt.
    The quilting is really a source of inspiration! Beautiful!
    Funny that you make your own design choices, regardless of the pattern.
    It really makes this quilt your own.
    Congratulations on a great result! :)

  20. Fabulous! And a special "Atta, Girl!" for the documentation on your quilt label!

  21. Gretchen!!!!! I have also followed your journey and when you reach the end of a journey in making a quilt, and especially with quilt that was totally handmade by you, there is a feeling of "what is next" and you are missing having a goal to finish a project. You have accomplished such beautiful applique and hand quilting on this quilt. This quilt will be an Heirloom that will remain in your family forever. Knowing you, you will find another challenging quilt and it will be in that frame before you know it!
    You have accomplished a lot this last year! Hugs

  22. Gretchin, this is just a work of art, and it is so inspiring to me, as a much more novice quilter. Thank you so much for sharing this journey and for being a member of our little HQAL group! Wishing that time and money were no object and we could all enjoy a retreat together!

  23. Gretchen, it is such an heirloom to pass down to future generations in your family. Great work. I agree that a sleeve should be added to the back, and it should be entered in a quilt show. It is a masterpiece.
