Thursday, May 16, 2019

More Hands 2 Help 2019 Challenge

Two more flimsys are finished for the Hands 2 Help 2019 Challenge. They will be donated to the MCC Comforter Bash along with the other two I completed in April! They don't need to be quilted because they'll be knotted at the 'bash'.

The string stars that I started sewing together at retreat are finished and sewn into a 60" by 86" flimsy. 

And a clothesline view.
The other flimsy is a log cabin. It measures 61" by 83". It's OK if they're a little larger than the required 60" by 80" they request. They just can't be smaller than that size.

You can tell the dark strings came from the same box.

Linking to Needle & Thread Thursday, Peacock PartyTGIFF!, Brag About Your Beauties, Finished Or Not Friday, Hands 2 Help 2019, Oh Scrap

Here are some pictures from around the farm.
In spite of what the "experts" say, this bleeding heart loves the full sun on the west side of our house. 

It's about 3 feet tall and has been in this spot for many years.

This bleeding heart on the east side of the house has quite a ways to grow. It's  way behind the other one but when it starts blooming, it will bloom into July. It only gets direct light in the early morning.

These heifers are glad to be out on pasture. They love the fresh grass.

The bull is enjoying the grazing too.

It's the middle of May and farming should be going full force now but northern Indiana has had so much rain that we can't get in the fields. Enforced patience isn't fun!


  1. I always thought the Bleeding Heart was a shade plant - and both of mine died in their second year!

  2. The String Stars....does it weigh a lot with all the seams?

    1. The string stars don't weigh more than the log cabin flimsy. I did need to make more string blocks. This time I used a lightweight fabric on the back so I didn't need to mess with removing the paper. If the whole top had been pieced that way it would have really weighed more.

  3. Hi Gretchen! My bleeding heart plant got pulled out accidentally last year, but it had been thriving on the east side of our house. So not the really strong afternoon sun but full morning until noon sun. Your plant is obviously very, very happy where it is! I had planned to pick up a new one this weekend but alas more rain is in the cards for us, so I'll wait a week and join the masses on Memorial Day weekend. Or go during the week! Your two charity quilts sure are beautiful. I especially LOVE the string stars. I haven't ever made string blocks but this quilt top is surely encouraging me to do so. They are just stunning and a lovely mix of fabrics. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. I'm having an aha! moment. It never occurs to me to tie a quilt. (I think I've done it once!) What will the crew at the bash use to tie it -- perle cotton, wool yarn? Good for you for banging out two more flimsies!

    1. We use crochet cotton thread. It's not as bulky as yarn. Perle cotton would be lovely but costs a lot more! At last year's bash 400 comforters were knotted which was wonderful! Happy Stitching!

  5. Very nice tops Gretchen - They really look great and I am sure they will be enjoyed forever.
    I love the pictures of the cows and the flowers! So nice to have a green thumb, I was behind the door when they passed them out! LOL. Hoping the fields dry up so you can get things planted. I know that you'll are about 6 weeks behind the power curve! It will be a mad dash when things do finally dry up! Hugs

  6. Wonderful work! So pleased about all the Hands2Help quilts that are showing up.

  7. Lovely quilts, Gretchen! I love your bleeding heart!!

  8. Beautiful scrappy quilts. I really like that star design. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  9. Your String Star and Log Cabin are beautiful! I bet the Comforter Bash is a lot of fun!

  10. Those are lovely donation quilts!! (I know that I would be thrilled to own either of them.)

  11. Some nice looking Guernseys you've got there, along with those string quilts!

  12. Wow what beautiful quilts to donate. I'm sure the recipients will be thrilled.

  13. Beautiful quilts! Love them both but the string stars really sings to me! I have a pink bleeding heart on the north side of the house, which gets so little light, but that thing loves it there!

  14. Those are great quilts. I really like the star layout. Thanks for linking up with Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.
