Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Metro Rings

I don't know about you but I have a list of quilts I want to make someday. One of the quilts on this list is a double wedding ring.

This last winter Jo Kramer from Jo's Country Junction had a Double Wedding Ring Along. I thought about joining in but didn't, it just looked too time consuming so I went a different route.

When I was in Utah last summer, I purchased the Metro Rings pattern at one of the stores we visited. Metro Rings is a modern version of the double wedding ring.

To make Metro Rings you do need the Quick Curve Ruler

The fun quick method of this quilt is you sew strips together and then cut the curves with the ruler! I sewed the strips and cut all the curved sections before I went to the Jane Stickle retreat. I sewed the blocks and the body together at retreat! These went together so easily, a lot more easy than a traditional double wedding ring would have.

Another quilter at my table was keeping tabs on my progress after I explained the process to her. Our retreat started on Wednesday afternoon. By Friday afternoon I had the center all sewn together. She was very impressed and purchased the pattern and ruler from me as I didn't have plans on making a second quilt.

I added the borders on my own. My flimsy measures 70-1/2" by 89-1/2". Now I can check a double wedding ring quilt off the list!

Linking to  WIPs On Wednesday, Let's Bee Social,  Needle & Thread Thursday, Peacock Party, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Brag About Your Beauties, Finished Or Not Friday


  1. I had always wanted to make a double wedding ring and started collecting 1930's prints by the hundreds. You know fat eighths and fat 16ths. Then I found an original hand pieced top at an antique store in Ohio so don't need to make one now. Yours sounds so simple and efficient.

  2. Very pretty quilt - light and airy Gretchen! I checked out the pattern and ruler - tempting, but I have Marti's and Shar Jorgenson's templates, so I cannot justify doing the faster one - darn! LOL Hugs

    1. I'm not one to buy speciality rulers for just 1 project. I was thrilled when Kathy wanted the pattern and ruler. Win Win for both of us!

  3. I have made a couple double wedding ring quilts and they really aren't any harder to make than any other quilt to me. This looks interesting though in that you make the strips first and then use the ruler to cut the curve in them.

  4. Wow, Gretchen -- your quilt is gorgeous!! I stopped by the Sew Kind of Wonderful booth at AQS Paducah on the last day of Quilt Week, hoping to find out more about this pattern and ruler in person as well as a few others that I've seen floating around on social media. I know it was the last day of a long week for everyone, but the two women in the booth were so busy talking to each other and packing up their wares that they totally ignored me -- I mean, I had walked two blocks in the rain to get to that tent pavillion thing just so I could get to their booth before the show closed, and I was standing there for 5 minutes at least with no other customer in sight waiting to get their attention and they never even looked at me. I recognized one of them as the owner from her social media photos as well, so it was even more upsetting to not even be acknowledged like that. I ended up walking away empty-handed when I came there with the intent of spending money!

    1. That's too bad the ladies couldn't take the time to wait on you. They really missed out on a good opportunity. I'm sure you would have blogged about the pattern and ruler too. I think I would actually send them an email and tell them what they missed. Sorry you had a bad ending to such a great week.

  5. I have always admired the Double Wedding ring design but I never thought I would want to put all that time into it, so I bought that pattern and the ruler a few years ago. I also chose the fabrics but haven't made it yet due to so many other WIPS. But seeing yours has got me thinking I may start it soon. What fabrics did you use? From your stash?

    1. No, I didn't use from my stash. I actually bought 2 jelly rolls of the same fabrics. I wanted fabrics that were bright not my normal fabrics. My fabrics were Farmhouse 2 by Fig Tree & Co for Moda Fabrics. I am really pleased with the way she looks. Today I got the backing sewn. Hopefully next week I'll get her to the long arm quilter. This pattern is really a much faster way to make a double wedding ring quilt.

  6. Hi Gretchen! What a lovely, more modern take on the Wedding Ring quilt. I just love all the fabrics you chose for this, and it really ended up a nice size. It sure is pretty! ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Thanks! I've been trying to get my stash to be more happy brighter colors. I'm going to keep this one for me.

  7. That does speed things up! Love the colors you chose too!

  8. Awesome! I've never used the Quick Curve ruler ... Is there a lot of waste once you start cutting the curves from your pieced strips?

    1. Yes, there is some waste. I'm able to use some of the waste by using it in scrap quilts or string blocks. I also have a friend who uses very small pieces for various tiny projects. I'm a good friend by placing these pieces in a bag to be delivered to her when I see her at retreats. We both win that way! The waste didn't bother me, I was so glad to be able to make this quilt in a reasonable length of time as compared to the conventional way.

  9. There are so many quilts on my list and it always feels good to cross one off the list! I think Metro Rings is amazing! A perfect solution to making a Double Wedding Ring without the headache!

  10. That's the kind of double wedding ring I want to make. I have the pattern and the ruler, I just need the time. Congratulations on completing your top!

  11. So very pretty, airy and light. I think I would have to call it Wedding Dance the way the circles just seem to float or dance across the background. Beautiful top!

  12. Lovely! So bright and cheery!

  13. It looks great. Thanks for linking up with Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.

  14. That quick curve ruler is really great, and I love so many of the patterns that are made for it!
