Sunday, May 5, 2019

Finished Quilting Pastor's Attic!

It didn't take me long to finish quilting the Pastor's Attic quilt once I got home from retreat. The crack in my thumb was completely healed so I got to quilting again.

I don't have any lovely pictures taken outside. We've had a rainy week and the ground is too soggy to take this quilt outside. You'll have have to settle for indoor pictures.

The whole quilt.

Left bottom quarter

Right bottom quarter

Top left.

Top right.

Pictures of quilting motifs on the backing fabric.

The designs are easier to see in person.

A total of 885 yards of thread were used in the hand quilting.

Linking to Peacock PartyKathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, HQALBambi's Show & Tell MondayMonday MakingDesign Wall MondayBOM's AwayMoving It Forward


  1. Oh my, your Pastors Attic quilt, Gretchen, is a masterpiece. I cannot begin to fathom the work and love that has gone into this most amazing quilt. Your quilting is a triumph!

  2. Absolutely brilliant. It is gorgeous.

  3. Beautiful and perfect quilting! If you ever tire of it I can provide a loving home lol.

    1. This quilt is staying here. Someday it will end up with one of my grandchildren but I'm going to enjoy it until I no longer have my own home. Some people make lots of applique quilts. This will probably be the only all applique quilt I ever make. Happy Stitching!

  4. Wow! I am speechless by admiration! A wonderful work you have done here. Hand quilting is amazing! It was so nice to see the whole quilt. Well done! :-) So I hope you get better weather soon. ;-)

  5. Your quilt is just magnificent!! Congratulations on completing the quilting.

  6. I have made several all applique quilts and doubt I will make another either, they take a lot of time don't they. Wonderful job, it is a beautiful quilt and the grid makes a lovely finish

  7. Congratulations, Gretchen, on this superb finish! I am so happy to know that you will be enjoying this quilt yourself!

  8. Oh Gretchen... this is MAGNIFICENT!!! You have sooo outdone yourself with this quilt! I am excited to see it bound, washed and snuggled under now :D

  9. Gorgeous quilting, congratulations on your finish!

  10. Congratulations, Gretchen, that is really beautiful! I have so enjoyed watching your progress, and admiring your wonderful stitching. x

  11. Oh, how gorgeous! A work of art. Congratulations.

  12. So glad you stuck with it and made it to the end. Many don't have it in them to finish such a big project. You are an inspiration. It is absolutely wonderful!!!

    1. Hand quilting isn't a fast process. Stitching a little everyday gets the quilt quilted!

  13. Absolutely stunning! I wonder what that feels like to take that wonderful quilt off the frame to admire all that quilting!

    1. It was a wonderful feeling of accomplishment! I'm working on the binding now, I should be finished by Sunday.

  14. Oh Gretchen, she is beautiful! It's so nice to see the whole quilt all quilted.

  15. It is an absolute quilt completed to perfection! You put in many many hours to complete her! Congratulations and I know you are a happy camper to be through with it! Such a beauty! You do such excellent hand quilting! Hugs

  16. Congratulations for your finish. This is a beautiful quilt, with so many blocks I'd love to make. You are the one who got me interested in this pattern about 3 years ago, I think. I never found the whole book, but I do have a block, or maybe two. =)

    1. Ha, ha, I went to Amazon to see if it's available and discovered I DID buy a copy of it! So that means I just have to find it. LOL If I don't, the used ones are now half of what I paid in 2016. =)

    2. Hope you find your book! I enjoy the simplicity of this Baltimore Album quilt. I debated between this book and several others before I purchased it. I look forward to seeing the start of your blocks! Happy Stitching!

  17. Your quilt is beautiful! Thanks for sharing with Moving it Forward!

  18. Wow! Congratulations on such a meaningful finish! Your quilt is a lovely - beyond lovely - treasure that I'm sure your family will treasure for years to come! Glad I found you at Bambi's link up!
