Sunday, April 7, 2019

Quilting the Border

This is the applique block I was quilting when I wrote my my Sunday post last week, finished now.

The last applique block to be quilted.

Right side border.

This is what needs to be hand quilted before I'm finished.
I've started quilting the top border.

I'm quilting up to the applique.
Moving along on the border. There are a few circles that have gotten quilted.
The flower in the center is the halfway across the border.

Do you see the empty thread spool laying on the left side of my thimble? Another 400 yard empty spool means I've quilted 800 yards of thread! This quilt holds the record for the most yards of thread I've ever used in hand quilting a quilt. The old record was 730 yards used on my Jane Stickle quilt.

Linking to Peacock PartyKathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Oh Scrap, Bambi's Show & Tell MondayMonday MakingDesign Wall Monday, BOM's Away!, Moving It Forward


  1. I can see why this quilt is a thread using record breaker! Only a little bit more to go! Just a gorgeous quilt!

  2. You are so close to finishing and it is so beautiful. Wow, that is a whole lot of quilting.

  3. Absolutely amazing. You will be finished in no time. I'm sure you'll speed up now you are so close to the edge and finishing.

    1. Absolutely amazing. You will be finished in no time. I'm sure you'll speed up now you are so close to the edge and finishing.
      This bounced back in my email

  4. Your quilting is making that quilt come to life...beautiful!!! It is giving me the urge to hand quilt a quilt...where are my frames!!!

  5. This has turned out so beautifully. You're an inspiration.

  6. Your quilting is lovely - so precise! It's going to be beautiful!

  7. You really get a sense of the size in the photo of the spool and thimble... those circles are small!
    Great job on all that applique and quilting!

  8. I have enjoyed your photos this am. Nothing quite as nice as beautiful stitches in wool with high contrast red and green I never tire of the combination.

  9. 800 yards of thread and still quilting... How amazing your quilting looks too... good for you for not getting bored like I would and doing other stuff only to delay a finish... you will be done with this beauty in no time... Do you wash when you complete a quilt like this or do you air it out and use it?? I like to wash my quilts when I am done with the hand quilting but I know not everyone does this. Happy Sunday and enjoy your stitching... My guess is over 900 yards before you are done! lol Kathi

  10. Wow, that is a lot of threat. Love the pictures of your gorgeous quilting!

  11. The end is so near. We will soon be able to see this whole quilt. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  12. That is indeed a lot of thread! Every time I visit you and this most amazing quilt, I am awed with its beauty. A truly spectacular quilt!

  13. Awe inspiring. As a hand quilter I can only dream of doing such beautiful work.

  14. You are almost done! Its beautiful!

  15. How are you keeping the lines so straight?

    1. I've got the lines marked but I do it very lightly. They don't show in the pictures.

  16. You're so very close to the end! It really is stunning, how much prettier the quilt gets with the quilting in it.

  17. Absolutely beautiful! Your love and attention to detail on this quilt is stunning.
