Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Chicago Trip

I know you've all been wondering how my Saturday trip to Chicago was. Here is my report.

The show we were attending was an IQS show, the Chicago Quilt Festival, which is different than the AQS. You can look up AQS yourself.

First of all, I didn't take any pictures of the quilts in the show. I didn't take any pictures there at all of anything. There are just too many quilts and wall hangings. There are so many different types of quilts, so many different techniques, it's rather overwhelming. But I did enjoy my day viewing all of the quilts. 

While I was viewing the quilts, I realized I've reached a new level in my quilting life. I no longer want to try to make every quilt I liked. I was content to peruse the quilts, smile with joy at the quilts I loved. I was impressed with the tenacity of sewest. Some of the quilts I wondered how they did what they did? 

I made some purchases at the vendors and here is the picture to prove it.

At the Private Source Quilting booth, I purchased a 12" wool pressing mat. Of course they had a special show price.

At the Primitive Gatherings booth I purchased Red & White Quilts published by Martingale. Of course, in my mind, I envision all of those quilts in blue and white.

 From the same booth I also picked up the Antique Little Lady of the Lake pattern. They had the antique quilt on view in the booth. Wouldn't she look lovely in blue and white also?

From Super Threads, I picked up a package of Titanium Coated #80/12 needles. I thought I'd give them a try and see how long they last before they get dull.

See the flower on the pressing mat? Clover had an area where they gave you the opportunity to try a different craft each hour. I was very tired all of walking so I decided to rest by trying a new craft. It was the hour for felt matting. I've never done this before and it was interesting. I doubt I'll get into this craft but it was an enjoyable experience.

Since I've been home, the little square has been turned into a pincushion. 

I took the photo in front of a rotary cutter so you can get an idea of the size. 

I encourage you to gather up your friends and drive to a national show sometime. You'll have a great time!

Linking to  Let's Bee Social Needle & Thread Thursday, Peacock Party, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, From Bolt to Beauty, Show Off Saturday


  1. I bought the 17 inch pressing mat after someone gave it a great review on their blog. I proceeded to press all the small pieces from my stack -n-whack hexies and later discovered a puddle of water under it on the table. Guess I used too much steam. But, the pieces of fabric did not move at all so all those bias seams did not stretch.

  2. when you use the mat would you give us a review - I have hear a lot of good things about it but wonder if it is worth the price. I too no longer want to make every quilt I see that I like knowing that at age 66 I have to start being picky!!

    1. The mat was marked down to $25. I wouldn't have made the purchase if it had been full priced. I read a review on another blog. They used it on their ironing board so seam would go all the way through. I'm planning on using this to press small blocks at retreats. Whenever I get it used, I will definitely give a review.

  3. So glad you enjoyed your trip to Rosemont, IL quilt show Gretchen... and what fun purchases and making time during that hour you had... even turned it into a pin cushion... did you fill that with walnut shells or fluff or steel wool??? I am glad it didn't become a UFO and I am glad you are content with your craft not to copy what others are doing because while we can always learn new stuff... contentment is a joy to behold! Have a blessed rest of your week friend and I would love to know if you pressing mat smells when heated like wet sheep initially until broken in well... I have heard that while they work great for crisp pressed block making they may initially have that odor! Kathi

    1. I took the easy way and stuffed the pincushion with scraps of wool batting from the Pastor's Attic quilt. I'll do a review on the mat whenever I use it. I do know it won't be this week. Happy Sstitching!

  4. Yes, turn all the red and white into blue and white!

  5. I visited the Chicago Show on Friday. Yes. It was quite overwhelming. Enjoyed seeing international quilts. Primitive Gatherings was a favorite booth. Wool mats are expensive yet a quality tool for quilters. You will enjoy your purchase. This was the last year for the Chicago show per a vendor and the tour bus guide 😩.

  6. I believe that when quilters visit a show and see all the beautiful quilts we want to run home and make one.
    I agree with you! Time to make the ones that mean the most to one. I have the book on the left, but had not seen the one on the right! Love the red and white! So many books, so many patterns, so little time!
    Glad you were able to go to the show. I MIGHT think about going to the Houston Show this year, just like I always do. LOL Hugs

  7. Sometimes it's very nice to forget the camera and just soak up the atmosphere and moment, isnt' it? I would have loved to see the Chicago show and hope to go to it one year. Red & White quilts are so very attractive, and while that has been on my bucket list for many years, I have yet to make one.

  8. Your little pincushion is delightful; good for you that you have already used your felting class sample.
