Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wiggly Whimsy Quilt

At the guild retreat in February, I pieced a crib quilt flimsy called Wiggly Whimsy. This is a free pattern (recipe) from the Moda Bake Shop which utilizes a charm pack but you can cut your own squares.

I've quilted the flimsy  with my Elna 720.

I altered the pattern by not adding one of the pieced rows. I wanted my quilt to be rectangular, not square.

The white in the center of the quilt looks whiter than the sides of the quilt. That's because the backing was pieced. All the white fabric came from the same bolt of Bella Solids.

My backing fabric needed to be wider so I added the extra row to the center. Now I won't have the stress of trying to figure out what to do with an unused row.

The back is cute in it's own way, it's a reversible quilt!
The yellow fabric was left from my Nearly Insane quilt.

The batting was Quilters Dream Poly, mid loft which worked perfect. I like to use poly batting in crib/baby quilts, poly dries faster than cotton.

I didn't mark the quilting lines on this quilt, just eyed my line. I guess you would call the quilting 'organic wavy line' quilting.

This is the glamour shot. We've been having drizzle so the ground was too damp for the tree stump photo.

I used a blue and yellow stripe from my stash for binding. The finished size is 48" x 57". I like crib quilts large enough so when you're up with the baby at night, there is plenty of quilt for the baby and the parent.

The plan is to keep this crib quilt until the perfect baby/toddler comes along to gift it to.

I recommend this pattern for a fast, easy project.

Linking to  WIPs On Wednesday, Let's Bee Social,  Needle & Thread Thursday, Free Motion Mavericks, Let's Make Baby Quilts, Peacock Party, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, From Bolt to Beauty, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday


  1. What a wonderful way to use a pack of charm squares. Love the back and the fact that there's no leftovers to use up space in your sewing room. The right baby and parent will be glad to receive this beautiful gift.

  2. Hi Gretchen! What a cute finish. I love fast, easy projects and I always have some charm packs laying around that would work for this. Thanks for sharing the link - I'll check it out. I prefer rectangle quilts too, and I like to make them oversized. My niece likes to tuck the quilt in under the crib mattress , along with what you mentioned about being able to snuggle the baby and parent. Happy Wednesday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. cute baby quilt - it is always nice to have something like that handy when you need it - and I do not have any on hand right now!

  4. cute quilt - it looks like a "go to" pattern

  5. Such a pretty quilt, it looks lovely. I checked out the pattern and it seems easy peasy. Could even work out as a leader and ender project I think.

  6. Very sweet Gretchen ...always great to have a baby quilt or two on hand for gifting!

  7. Gretchen, your quilt is so charming;) I love that you were able to use the extra row to make a very cute backing.

  8. This is a real charmer for a baby quilt! Good way to use up scraps. I think I have a box of 2 1/2" ready to go! This one is for when one just wants to make a quilt quickly! Hugs

  9. I love being able to use every piece of fabric, and the back is the perfect place to use scraps or extra blocks! Adorable baby quilt and I'm sure the right little one will come along soon!

  10. Hi Gretchen, what a cute little quilt! If you're interested, please come link up to Free Motion Mavericks. We'd love to see you there :-)

    1. Thanks Gretchen, I'm so happy to see your lovely quilt on Free Motion Mavericks. Thanks!

  11. Simple yet super cute quilt!!! It is fantastic!!!

  12. What a sweet little baby quilt :) I love that you used the extra row on the back so it's beautiful from both sides!

  13. Beautifully done! That pattern is on my to-do list too; love Moda Bakeshop!

  14. How very sweet. I'm sure the perfect baby will come along one day. Thank you for linking up to the Peacock Party.

  15. What a sweet little baby quilt. I have bookmarked the site for the instructions for future reference. Thanks for sharing this with us. Some little person will be lucky to receive it...

  16. I like bigger baby quilts too that grow with the toddler. Congrats on your finish!

  17. Square quilts tend to bug me, too! And I find that fact about how the white shows up fascinating -- it looks as if you used two completely different colors. Congratulations on a great finish and a quilting project with no marking!
