Wednesday, March 7, 2018

More From the Retreat

The main and most important project I worked on at the guild retreat was a border for Nearly Insane.

This is a zig.

This is a zag.

When you sew them together, you get a zigzag border.

It took me two days to get these four borders pieced!

I'm hoping to get this border attached to the Nearly Insane body this month.

Before I attach the zigzag border, I want to sew a narrow border on the edge of the center.

I also pieced more 4 patches for Bonnie Hunter's Bricks & Stepping Stones.

The other two projects will be shown in later posts.

Linking to Jo's UFO Challenge, Sew, Stitch, Snap SHOW, Let's Bee SocialMy Quilt Infatuation, Finished Or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Finish It Up Friday


  1. Wow! Look forward to seeing your Nearly Insane progressing.

  2. The borders will look great on that beautiful quilt. Great progress on all the zig, zag and 4 patches!

  3. wonderful proress - zig and zag is a fun border

  4. these borders really help finish off this quilt I think, I think the border caught my attention when I first saw this quilt years ago

  5. How awesome is that quilt!! It will be gorgeous when done.

  6. I have made a couple versions of Bricks and Stepping Stones. Love that pattern!

  7. Great progress - good to have some concentrated time to work on big projects like this. Your zig-zag border is going to finish your quilt off nicely.

  8. What an exceptional version of the Nearly Insane quilt...and how appropriate to surround it with a zig zag.

  9. Such a lovely version, I love your restricted colour palette! And your border is going to finish it off beautifully. Thanks for sharing with 'sew stitch snap SHARE"

  10. Awesome quilt Gretchen!! I love the colour combination - lovely and fresh!

  11. Your Insane quilt is wonderful. I used to have the book with the patterns but did nothing with it.

  12. Your NI is absolutely beautiful and that border will really set it off along with the thin border before the zigzag border. I am assuming it will be a narrow strip of blue!

  13. Every time I see your Nearly Insane, I fall in love with it again!

  14. Hi Gretchen,
    Oh, that zigzag border is going to look fantastic on your quilt. WOW! I cannot wait to see it all together, and see how you're going to quilt it. It will be beyond fabulous when it is all complete. You should be so proud of yourself! ~smile~ Roseanne

  15. I love the zig zag and it'll make a great border!! I can't wait to see it all together!

  16. It's looking fabulous and that border will be the ideal way to finish it.
