Sunday, March 11, 2018

Pastor's Attic, Spring Fever & Nearly Insane

The middle sections of the outside borders for
The Pastor's Attic Quilt are finished!! One step closer to a final finish.

Now I need to prep the corners for applique. If you look at the picture of the quilt in the above link, you'll see I changed the border. I don't like the zigzag and I don't like the corner stick flower either. The red circles I added for fun.

Like most people interested in antique applique quilts, I monthly downloaded the patterns for the 1857 Quilt from Sentimental Stitches. And like the majority of you, I've not done anything with them.

In my search for a design for the corners, I've decided use block 56 from the 1857 Quilt. I can't show you the pattern right now since they're copyrighted but hopefully next Sunday I'll have some applique to show you.

I did toy with the idea of not having any applique on the corners but they looked too bare compared to the rest of the quilt.

More quilting progress happened on Spring Fever. The two narrow borders are quilted and I'm ready to start the outside border. 

The most exciting news is Nearly Insane is also close to being finished! I just need to find the perfect fabric for the outside border.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Oh Scrap!, Show & Tell Monday With Bambi, Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, BOM's Away, Fiber TuesdayEsther's Wednesday WOW!, UFO Challenge


  1. All your quilts look amazing. Love the Nearly Insane...

  2. I don’t think you are nearly insane...on the contrary, all of your quilting projects keep you sane! Beautiful appliqué and quilting!

  3. Your projects are so pretty. I like the changes that you made to the Pastor's Attic border. The circles are fun.

  4. Lovely eye candy this Morning. My eyes thank you.

  5. This is so pretty and I like the way you changed things up to suit you. I'm not fond of zigzags or chevrons either. What an achievement your Nearly Insane is!

  6. So many fun projects! Love the quilting on spring fever and I am one of those who have a nice set of 1857 blocks hanging around.

  7. Good choice on he Pastor's Attic border! Love your Nearly Insane quilt also!

  8. The addition of those small circles on the border pieces is a unique idea and works well.

  9. Beautiful appliquéd borders! I love the quilting in that other border, and, oh my, Nearly Insane is amazing!

  10. Each one is more gorgeous than the other. You make an amazing amount of progress in a week's time!

  11. All of your projects are just beautiful. I started the Nearly Insane but gave up after a handful of blocks. Kudos to you for finishing. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  12. Your applique' is gorgeous! I almost never follow a pattern. I am generally more suited to doing things the way I like them too. You go girl! Nearly Insane is to die for in blues and yellows! I made a small Omigosh Quilt and gave it away. I think I'll do that before Nearly Insane. I barely survived Dear Jane.

    You do such intense work which I love! I am Deana visiting from I am currently logged into a different google account.

  13. My eyes popped nearly out of my head at Nearly Insane. That's insanely beautiful! It's not just that I love blue but the whole design! Lucky you to have a quilt like that and if you ever decide you're tired of it you can just send it to me! :-)

  14. Oh, hello again! I used your button to go to Bambi's Show and Tell. I'd like to put her blog button on my blog. Can you give me the link information so that I can put it in my blog?

  15. Oh Gretchen so much lovely eye candy here today. your border looks lovely, specially with the dots LOL . Great colours you have sued in the quilt. your hand quilting is so beautiful such a pleasure to look up close and study, and your Nearly insane quilt is beyond words!!!! love all those blues with the touches of yellow. Hugs Glenda from Down Under

  16. Block 56 is perfect for your corners! Love the red berries on your borders, which I do like much better than the original zigzag. I'm really excited for Spring Fever!

  17. So many beautiful projects so near to finished! I'm looking forward to seeing how your applique borders work out.
