Saturday, February 24, 2018

Star Dance, the Applique Border

In 2017, I participated in the RSC color of the month by piecing Star Dance blocks. In November 2017, I sewed the blocks together to make the center of the quilt.

Two weeks ago I sewed the borders onto the center body, a good project to do on a very snowy day. I had originally planned to machine applique the borders at my guild retreat the first weekend in March. 
Well, I looked at the pattern and decided I really would like the borders better if I hand applique instead of machine applique. So, no applique to show today.

Once I'm finished with the Pastor's Attic borders, then Star Dance will be the next applique project. My list of unfinished projects to be sewn into flimsies is going very slowly.

Glenda mentioned that I hadn't published pictures of snow this winter so I took some before the 10" we received in two days melted.

The snowed piled on the steps up to our porch so that's where I took the picture of Star Dance.

We live on top of a hill. I walked to the curve in our drive and took some pictures of fields.

This first picture is look northeast, across the pasture. The line of trees shows the edge of the creek that separates our farm from our neighbors.

The faint brown line going through the field is fencing which divides the pasture from cropland.

Now we are looking southeast, across the pasture, crossing the road and into a different neighbor's field. Again the line of trees is the edge of the creek. 

If you enlarge this picture really large, you can see their beef cattle in the background. The snowpile by the edge of the driveway is 4" high where my husband has pushed it with the skid loader.

All our cattle have names. 

This is Emily wondering when they'll be able to graze again in the pasture.

And Missie is enjoying the warmth from the sunshine.

The day after I took the above pictures, the temperature rose above freezing, then we had fog. 

I'm standing on the porch looking southeast into the cow pasture.

Now I'm looking straight south at our son's home. You can see it faintly behind the one evergreen tree.

That evening it rained and the fog dissipated but since the ground is still frozen we have water standing.

Just this week the temperature rose to 60 degrees and we had several days of rain. The snow melted but the ground was still frozen so . . . flooding. This first picture is looking northeast across the pasture into the cropland, same as the very top picture. The creek has overflowed 

Looking southeast toward the road.

I'm looking forward to green grass, warm temperatures, going barefoot and of course, fresh tomatoes!

Linking to  A Quilting Reader's Garden Show Off Saturday, Scrap Happy Saturday, Oh Scrap, Love Laugh Quilt, Show & Tell With Bambi, BOM's Away, Em's Scrapbag


  1. What a beautiful star quilt, I'm looking forward to admire your appliqued border. Enjoy the snow ;)

  2. Room to breathe - love seeing all your country field pictures. I still miss living in the country, but as we were in a snow belt area, the winters were quite fierce. Your quilt is lovely!

  3. love your star quilt hand applique border will look great! so much snow - and then of course the rain causes flooding when it melts. We have had so much rain, I am looking forward to when it quits later today and we will have 2 or 3 dry days before it starts again.

  4. The border will look beautiful. I love your quilt Gretchen, as always, the colors really pop!
    I wish there were someway to make hand applique go faster, but..... it doesn't. YUP, your fog was heavier than mine. Love the snow, but I do not have to live in it! Emily and Missie are looking for some sunshine and freedom to roam! Have a great day!

  5. Hi Gretchen,
    Your Star Dance sure turned out great. I love all the different colors and the two patterned borders set them off nicely. I wonder what you're going to appliqué in the white border? I guess I'll have to what and see . . . ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Your quil is coming along beautifully. A hand appliqué border sounds like a perfect finishing touch. I enjoy seeing your snow as it has warmed up enough here that we are tempted to turn on the air conditioning.

  7. We've been having that same kind of yoyo weather. We got 6" of snow Thursday, which melted yesterday when it got up to 60 degrees. It's hard to know how to dress!
    Love that star quilt. I'm looking forward to seeing your applique!

  8. Star Dance will be beautiful when done!

  9. Your Star Dance stars really sparkle! I look forward to seeing the applique border. I enjoyed the photos of your farm. We keep getting more snow, but no warm weather in sight yet.

  10. Star Dance looks stunning so far! I look forward to seeing the borders take shape. Nothing better than home-grown tomatoes - here's to abundance this summer!

  11. Your Star Dance has turned out great. Love all the white with the bright colours. Cute cows.

  12. Your quilt is gorgeous! It sparkles against the snow! And your pictures are beautiful! I'm looking forward to warmer days too! Enough of this winter stuff!

  13. Your quilt is looking awesome just the way it is, but the applique will make it sing! Your cows are longer for summer just like we are!

  14. I am looking forward to warmer weather too.

    Your star quilt is wonderful. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  15. A great top! I do fin that a quilt will "tell you" if it wants machine or hand applique! Yes, flimsies grind to a finish exceedingly slow, but the joy when done lasts so long! I agree that Spring can't come too soon for me!

  16. Thank you for your inspiration this week at the Show and Tell Monday / Bambi

  17. Your quilt looks lovely in the snow.

  18. Poor Emily, yearning for her pasture - she's so pretty. Star Dance is going to be so gorgeous. I'm sure I'd want to do mine by hand, too, for its applique.
