Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Sweet Surrender, More Progress

I let the blocks lay for a few days then decided, it's time to get Sweet Surrender sewn together. Here she is!

I'm pleased with the way she has turned out. There are some applique blocks I don't like very well but I'm not changing them now!

Originally I hadn't planned to use the red triangles. All the Sweet Surrender quilts I've seen used red triangles, I wanted to be different but no other color would work. Red it is.

My border is going to be different from the pattern. I'm tossing around a few ideas and I think I'm going to like what I've got planned. 

The border may take several weeks to get started. The guild's quilt retreat is next week and I'm prepping for other projects.

Linking to Esther's Wednesday WOW!, Jo's Junction, Sew Stitch Snap SHOW, Sew Fresh QuiltsMy Quilt Infatuation, Finished Or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Finish It Up Friday.


  1. Well it certainly is beautiful and somehow the red does work.

    1. I've never been a red fan so I'm surprised by how much I'm liking this quilt.

  2. Your picture has me positively drooling. And, yes, the red is wonderful. I bought this pattern as a BOM and I haven't even looked at it in the probably two years I've had it. I wonder if the narrow stems are scaring me off? I vow, today I will have a look at the first block and see how the narrow stems are done and try to get started on this one!!! Thanks for the inspiration! xo

    1. Save yourself some stress and do those narrow stems with back basting applique. That was the only way I could do those curly ends that would lay right. My cut bias just wouldn't curve enough.

  3. This is a gorgeous top! I'll be looking forward to seeing how you've decided to border it.

  4. it certainly is pretty - I have seen all with the red too and it suits this quilt

  5. This is beautiful Gretchen...the red does look great! I look forward to seeing what you do with the border :-)

  6. A beautiful quilt! Your applique blocks are so pretty, love them teamed up with all the scrappy triangles. Thanks for sharing with 'sew stitch snap SHARE'

  7. Just beautiful, the red looks perfect with it.

  8. Oh so pretty. Did you have any problem with the triangles stretching?

    1. I was afraid I would have a problem with the bias sides but I didn't. I was very careful and I pinned the sides together before I sewed them. That seemed to take care of the problem.

  9. Your quilt really turned out beautiful. Nice work!

  10. STUNNING AND GEORGEOUS! A lot of difficult work went in to this project! Looking forward to seeing the border idea!

  11. Great applique work and beautiful diamonds and triangles.
    It was good to read that with care and pinning you didn't have a problem
    With your triangles stretching out of shape.
    Thanks for sharing.

  12. Hi Gretchen,
    Wow - this is beautiful and I really cannot imagine it with any other color of triangles than red. I think it works so well, and only you will be so critical with your appliquéd pieces that you don't like. Really nice top - I can't wait to see your borders and how you quilt it. ~smile~ Roseanne

  13. Wow, Gretchen -- this is going to be SO BEAUTIFUL!!

  14. What a wonderful combination of diamonds and applique!

  15. Wow it is Beautiful! Great work getting so much applique done.

  16. This is just stunning! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the borders.
    And I agree about the red - hard to picture anything else working. Though maybe orange... 8)

  17. Wow! This looks so good! I can see why you used the red. It's a perfect compliment for the quilt!

  18. I would love to hear your idea for doing the border. I am struggling with that part right now. I made fewer triangles and will be using my Sweet Surrender as a wall hanging.

  19. Would love to purchase the pattern for Sweet Surrender. Any information would be most appreciated. Thank you Charlene Wuolle email address is

    1. I know longer have my pattern. The sweet surrender pattern is no longer available, sorry.
