Wednesday, October 4, 2017

More Insanity

Slowly, over the past several weeks, I've been piecing more blocks for Nearly Insane.

The 7 block row is completed.

My favorite block of the row is this one. She also has the most pieces in a block for this row, 57 pieces. I did change the block so the HST's would be symmetrical.

Here are pictures of the rest of the blocks.

Some of the blocks are very similar. I have to wonder if she pieced one and then decided to add a different center to the next one.

What do you think?

In this block, I think Salinda had extra HST's from another block so she stuck them together in the center of this one.

None of these blocks were difficult to piece which I'm very thankful for.

This is another block that I think she had unused pieces so she stuck them together.

I tried to add a little bling to this block by fussy cutting the center square.
The next row, which contains 5 blocks, is also completed. 

This is my favorite block of this row and she contains 57 pieces. 

There are several blocks that have flying geese in this quilt. I like all of them.

More pieced blocks . . .

A nice album block, at least I think that's what's it is called.

A view of the center so far. Just that bottom right corner is left to do. 

These blocks finish at 6". All that is left to piece are 2 short rows! I'm excited, I'm so close to having the center finished.

Linking to Jo's Country Junction, Esther's Wednesday WOW!, Needle & Thread Thursday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished Or Not Friday, TGIFF, Finish It Up Friday.


  1. you have come a far way with this quilt - almost done I bet you will be glad to get this one finished.

  2. Wow... this is coming up beautiful. It is such a lovely quilt and piece of work. Keep up the good work and hopefully I will get back into mine. I'm slowly getting used to working and now need to get back into more sewing for me...

  3. True evidence of insanity! But such eye candy! Gorgeous, gorgeous blocks. Once again, on the days I find a new blog entry i begin my day with a smile! Thank you, thank you. --Carrolyn V

  4. This quilt will be gorgeous! I think this will hold a viewer's attention for a good while, looking at each individual blog and comparing for similarities and differences. It's interesting to see the blocks that seem to have leftover pieces from other blocks. Too bad she didn't keep a record of the quilt as she made it.

  5. How beautiful!! A labor of love!!

  6. Keep up the good work. Your quilt is going to be spectacular!!!

  7. What beautiful blocks and an amazing quilt, not far to go for you now.

  8. Those blocks are stunning, brilliant workmanship.

  9. OooOoo this will be so pretty...xox
