Saturday, October 7, 2017

Purple Star Dance Blocks

The RSC color in January was purple. I made the 4 patch blocks and was finished with purple. Then the last week of January, I pulled a pattern I've been wanting to make for years, Star Dance, and decided to make Star Dance blocks also. I quickly made 4 purple stars. 

In February, I decided I would make 8 stars each month. I needed to make more purple stars, I've finally got them sewn.

These stars finish at 4". 

You probably can't see it in the picture, but these fabrics all have some gold sparkle on them. They're going to add zing to my quilt.

Here are all the blocks so far, just need to get the pink stars made.

People keep asking me how I going to set these. 

The original pattern has them on a straight set with a white square in between. As of right now, I'm planning to turn them on point (like they are in the picture) which a white square in between. After the pink stars are made, I'll have 64 stars so the set will be 8 by 8 except I don't really like square quilts so I might make more stars? I'll decide about that later.

 I do plan to add the applique border. 

These blocks are 4" so this is not going to be a large quilt. That's OK, I don't have to make everything queen or king sized. I'm actually looking forward to making a small quilt for once.

Linking to Scrap Happy Saturday, Show Off Saturday.


  1. Those are so pretty with the variety of purples you have!

  2. I think it will be a lovely quilt. Your stars are so pretty.

  3. Your blocks are SEW pretty... and I even see some PINK (centers) up on the design wall!!

  4. I'm a sucker for stars and for small blocks, so you have my full attention! This is going to be a gorgeous quilt!

  5. Hi Gretchen,
    I love all of these stars. This is going to be a fun quilt, and I love watching your progress on it. If you added one more color or eight more stars you could make it 8 x 9 instead of square. Just a thought. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. What beautiful stars! Those are going to make a stunning quilt.

  7. Such beautiful tiny stars!
    If you set your stars 7 x 9, you would use 63 blocks and have one leftover.

    1. Duh, why didn't I think of that? Brilliant. I had thought about 7 x 8 but that left 8 extra blocks. Thank you so much, I never even thought of 7 X 9.

  8. It is going to be a great little quilt. Appliqué sounds like a fun addition.

  9. The star dance will be beautiful with all those scrappy star and then that border.

  10. I can't believe you get any quilting in with all the farm work you do! Your blocks are beautiful. Can't wait to see your finish.

  11. So pretty all colors blend so well. The 7 x 9 will make a nice lap quilt! Another beauty!!!

  12. Your design wall looks so pretty! I do like the look of blocks set on point.
