Sunday, June 25, 2017

Still Hand Quilting

The last row of churn dash blocks is finished except for the very top HST! 

The white squares too.
Now I've rolled and started quilting the top HST of the CD blocks and the triangle blocks. 

I also quilted the bottom edge of the square in a square border.

I got the triangle blocks and the top HST's quilted! 
The quilt top is pinned through the batting onto the backing now.

This week I'm going to try to get the first square/square border completed . . . you'll find out next week if it happened. 

Linking to - Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Show & Tell Monday With Bambi, Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, BOM's Away, Quilter's Monday, Esther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. Gretchen... I love your quilting on this... I am just trying that string of diamonds border myself for the first time... the piecing right now... and hoping mine turns out as accurate as yours once added to the quilt :) I love your quilting though... sublime! Keep up the good progress! Kathi

    1. My diamond border was by guess, I didn't have a pattern to follow. The original quilt has a white square in the very corner. I have a blue triangle on mine so I didn't have to stress about the white corner!

  2. Gorgeous quilting and great progress this week! :)

  3. You are so close to finishing this quilt! It is just beautiful. I love the way you are quilting it!

  4. the quilt is so pretty and you are getting close to an end - then you can enjoy using it!

  5. How exciting. Nearly at the finish line.

  6. Oh the quilting took my breath away it is so beautiful! What a very special quilt it will be when it is finished.

  7. This gets more beautiful with each update.

  8. Beautiful quilting! I love the pattern as well.

  9. So amazing! You hard work is really paying off.

  10. are almost finished. It's lovely.

  11. You have managed to get that CD quilted even with all of the farm work. It looks beautiful. You should be proud.

  12. Your quilting is beautiful Gretchen. It was nice to see you at the quilt festival Friday.

  13. Absolute perfection! Another beauty to add to your collection. I hope I can get with the program by November and use my brand new grace Z44 which has been patiently waiting since April!!!!!
    You have really stuck to this and so close to the end in record time!

  14. Thank you for your participation with inspiration and link to Show and Tell Monday !! Bambikram/hug

  15. Beautiful quilting, looks perfect! Happy 4th of July.

  16. Oh I'm going to miss seeing this beautiful beautiful quilt and your incrediable quilting on it. Will keep my fingers crossed you achieve your sewing goal. Hugs Glenda

  17. Your getting so close. It looks beautiful!

  18. Your quilting is gorgeous. What do you use to mark your fabric?
