Thursday, June 22, 2017

Star Dance Blocks

I put a lot of miles on my sewing machine last week working on many projects. This week we're putting all our efforts into making hay so I'm out in the fields driving tractor. This week's posts were written last Saturday and are highlighting what I worked on.

I took Nearly Insane down from the display wall because she became too large for it. My wall looked so empty so I pinned all the Star Dance blocks that I had pieced so far to the display wall. Don't they look cute?

Several weeks ago, a friend called while I was sewing and we chatted for a long time. As we talked away, I kept noticing the stars and thinking the cutest star was the green star (bottom center) that had 2 different fabrics in it. I decided to change things up for the June stars.

I added red to three of the blocks.

These blocks are all yellow but I mixed the fabrics. In the top right block, I made the center with yellow fabric and the corners with white. These changes don't show very much.

The final 3 have the same fabric in each block.

The yellow stars brightens up the rest of the stars. I see I need to make more purple stars.

This pattern is called Star Dance. The stars finish at 4". My quilt will be larger than the pattern.

Linking to - My Quilt Infatuation, Finished Or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Crazy Mom Quilts, Show Off Saturday, Scrap Happy Saturday


  1. Yellows and the sunshine brightens every day up

  2. Star blocks are always a hit with me. The two color stars add some zing in here and there.

  3. Your star blocks are beautiful. They look so wonderful together.


  4. I love star blocks, but, 4" is too small for me, usually.

  5. love the stars, the applique not so much

    1. Glad you liked the stars. I don't know what applique you are referring to, there wasn't any in this post.

    2. Chris of UK thought you were referring to the applique on the pattern. My applique border won't be quite like the pattern shows either.

  6. Star Dancing is really looking good I will never catch up. Maybe soon though! So productive and such beautiful work!

  7. I really love your colorful stars and the finished quilt will be gorgeous! In fact I like it so much that I decided to use a batik jelly roll I have to make something similar. Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. Your stars are lovely, I like how you are making them your own by altering the colourways. I like the pattern you're making (I wonder if this is the applique that Teresaquilts was referring to?)

  9. The makings of a great quilt, it just sparkles with color. Are the blocks really only 4 inches?

    1. Yes, they finish at 4". I think it's the small size that makes them so cute.

  10. Those are going to make a fun quilt! I like the stars with two colors a lot!

  11. Stars, no matter what size, are always a favourite of mine. Your two colour and two pattern stars really add zing to the starry layout. Good thinking.

  12. What beautiful stars! Those dual fabric ones sprinkled in the quilt will just make it sparkle!

  13. Hi Gretchen,
    I agree with Nell's Quilts above - stars are always a good thing. I love these - I am looking forward to seeing what you do in the border now. I'll be following along to see. ~smile~ Roseanne

  14. These stars are so pretty! The yellow ones are my favorite, they add such a lightness to the whole quilt. Setting them on point is a great idea, really makes the quilt look different from other Ohio star quilts. Can't wait to see it all put together and quilted!

  15. The Stars are so cute. The variations you've been adding are a really nice touch, especially the red with the yellow. Really nice accents and a whole new dimension to the grouping.

  16. I like the variation of fabrics in a block with the single fabric blocks. Yellow is such a cheery color!

  17. These are so pretty, Gretchen. It's going to be a beauty!

  18. I like the mixed fabric version of the stars you've started adding. Glad you gave the dimensions as I didn't realize they were so small. They are cute!

  19. Your stars are stunning! What a gorgeous quilt it will make

  20. The yellows really did change the look of your quilt! Well done! Thanks for linking up with TGIFF!

  21. So pretty! Your blocks are fun and cheerful -especially the yellow! Thank you so much for sharing!
