Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Another Nearly Insane Row Finished!

I've finished the rest of the blocks for the current Nearly Insane row under construction. There were 11 blocks in this row, 6 of which I had completed in my last post about NI. I didn't have to piece the half blocks because I had pieced them earlier.

This block was fairly easy to piece.

All the blocks in the group were fairly easy, except #44.
I've decided this flowered fabric looks best if I just use a small amount at a time.

Sometimes I look at the pattern and wonder how this is going to work. I just keep sewing and they come together just fine.

Originally I had used the white fabric completely on the corners. But then it just stuck out and didn't blend in with the rest of the blocks. I used flippy corners and added the dark triangle corners.
I'm not fond of this block but I don't hate it.

What I don't like is the corners. I think I would like the block better if the  stripes ran diagonally instead of the way they do.

She's staying though

This is block #44 and was a challenge (for me anyway!) to piece.

I don't mind set in seams but not with pieces this tiny. I divided the background fabric in half and paper pieced them along with the diamonds. It worked! 

Because I was so busy worrying about the stars, I didn't put enough thought into the center pinwheel. I should have used a dark blue in place of the light blue. Oh well, I'm not going to redo her. Finished is better than perfect. 

Block #44 originally had 52 pieces but with the changes I made to piecing her, there are 76 pieces.

I'm keeping track of all the pieces in this quilt. Son #2 is an accountant. I'll give him the job of adding up all the numbers.

This is what my Nearly Insane looks like so far. The row I just finished is on the right side. I haven't attached the row to the body. I'm making the center in 2 halves. I'll sew them together when the 2nd half is finished.

I'm trying to make a row a month. This row finish is May's row because I started this row in May but I finished her in June. I'll try to make a June row this month if I have time, it depends on how the 2nd cutting of hay making goes.

Linking to - BOM'S Away, Quilter's Monday, Fiber Tuesday, Sew Fresh Quilts, TGIFF!, Crazy Mom Quilts, Show Off Saturday, Quilting is More Fun Than Housework!


  1. it is looking great and after I have been doing my tiny little blocks I remember so much what they are like and why I had said never another Dear Jane - and glad I never did start the Nearly Insane - I actually traded that book off to someone - I wonder if she ever made it.

    1. I've learned to enjoy paper piecing. I did not want to make a second Jane so I decided on Nearly Insane. I don't know if I'll start another small pieced project when this quilt is finished.

  2. It is looking beautiful. Well done with this stunning quilt.

  3. It is an amazing quilt and your's is gorgeous already. I'm enlarging some of them into 30" baby quilts out of one block for our Neonatal unit - I admire all those blocks but didn't want to go Nearly Insane - lol.

    1. The baby quilts you make from enlarged NI blocks are very cute. That's a great idea to enlarge the blocks for crib quilts.

  4. This quilt looks awesome so far! Great fabric layout in your blocks!

    1. As I make each block, I check to see what the blocks next to it look like so I can vary the dark and light blocks.

  5. I love the blocks. Especially the Star Block.
    I really admire your tenacity! Looking good 😊

    1. By the time I got the star block finished, I was ready for this row to be finished.

  6. It is beautiful blocks..
    Thanks a lot for sharing this information ..click hare..

  7. So exciting to see this on the downhill side! That block 44 would be challenging for anyone with those tiny 8pt stars. Also, I can't believe you already have the hand quilting on the other project to the point where the borders are now rolling out - so close!!

    1. It feels so good to be past the halfway point on this quilt. It seems like the hand quilting has gone fast on the churn dash quilt and I have enjoyed every stitch.

  8. You piece beautifully! Your hand quilting is exquisite! You blog! You work on your farm! Truly amazing, Gretchen! I am in awe!

    1. Sometimes it seems like I don't make progress but I just keep on going and the progress happens. I'm determined not to get side tracked with any other projects this summer. I want to just keep on working on my projects that already started.

  9. Wow! This is turning out great. Love the blue and white. It makes the blocks really shine.

    1. I love blues, they make me happy. I'm pleased with the way this quilt is looking.

  10. This quilt is truly stunning. I hope you are enjoying making it, and are loving the results.

    1. Yes, I am very pleased with the way she is looking and I'm enjoying most of the process too. Sometimes I have to think awhile about how a block should be pieced but I get it completed one way or another.

  11. Wow Just Wow. I had not heard of a Nearly Insane quilt, but when I realized how tiny each block is, I understood the name. I am amazed at your perseverance, and a blue quilt is always pretty. This is truly a labor of love and absolutely stunning.

  12. This is just stunning!! What an heirloom this will be for many, many years to come.

  13. That is amazing! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap! Love your color choices.

  14. Your color choices mix together so well. I'm so impressed that you are doing this quilt. How,large are,the blocks. They must be,pretty small to do so many. I would be totally insane after two rows. Keep up the good work!

    1. These blocks finish at 6". I've been making a row at a time. I have to do other projects in between rows or I would go insane. There is just something about paper piecing that is addictive!
