Sunday, June 11, 2017

Slow Stitching Sunday

More batting has been attached to the batting in the quilting frame. Progress in hand quilting has started again.

This is exciting because I can see the first square in a square border! I estimate it should take me maybe a month to finish this quilt, but who knows what all will happen between now and the finish.

I've started quilting at the right side and quilting my way to the center of the quilt.
The white squares are quilted. And part of the blue churn dash blocks are quilted. See the square in a square border peeking at the top edge?

Linking to - Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Show & Tell Monday With Bambi, Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, Esther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. The finish line is in sight! Beautiful!

  2. you take such small delicate looking stitches - so pretty

  3. Your quilting is just making that quilt come how the hand quilting does that to a quilt.

  4. So exciting when the other border starts to appear! The texture you create is amazing!

  5. Beautiful stitching and wonderful progress and it is always great when the end is in sight! :)

  6. You are making progress. And, you've inspired me to pull out one of my hand quilting projects to actually work on it every once and a while. The blue and white is really striking.

  7. It´s so pretty, I envy your patience.

  8. It's beautiful! I hope you don't get too many distractions between here and finishing!

  9. Your quilting is absolutely stunning! I'm overwhelmed with your talent and the beauty of your quilt! Thank you for sharing!

  10. I agree your quilting is adding a wonderful dimension to your quilt. Great progress!

  11. Thank you for your participation this week at Show and Tell Monday !! Hug

  12. It has to feel good to get those lovely blocks completed. I can hardly wait to see the finished quilt

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.
