Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Spring is Here!

In several posts this last winter, I talked about the projects I was working on. In November 2016, I started out with a list of 8 projects.  Then in January 2017, I updated the list. Now it is spring and my wintertime sewing is over. Most of the same projects are still on the list but I've made progress with most of them.

1. Blue Churn Dash Reproduction Quilt - She is in the quilting frame being hand-quilted. The quilting is more than halfway done.

2. Pastor's Attic Quilt - The center has been completed. I need to get the borders prepped for applique. This will happen after I finish quilting the blue churn dash quilt.

3. Sweet Surrender - Haven't touched it. I'll get those pieced triangles pieced sometime, maybe this summer if there is time but Nearly Insane is more important. I'll work on her rows first.
4. Nearly Insane - I pieced 4 rows this winter including the center row. Each row will now decrease in the number of blocks. I hope to have time to work on more rows this summer. I would really like to have the center of this quilt all pieced by the end of this year.

5. Wilfred & Cloves - This is a pattern from Carolyn Konig's book Creating Heirlooms, One Stitch at a Time. I appliqued the center medallion of this quilt several years ago. 

The fabrics have been pulled, pressed and prepped. I sewed 4 of the square blocks together just to see what they looked like. This project is going along with me to the Jane Stickle retreat this week-end. I'm hoping to come home with the all blocks pieced and rows sewn together.

6. 182 Day Solstice Challenge - I haven't posted about this quilt in a long time. I have many of the blocks pieced and fabrics pulled for several of the others. I'll get back to her sometime. 

7. Rainbow Challenge blocks - I have 2 separate blocks I'm making for the challenge. 

The stars are for the Star Dance quilt

The 4-patch blocks are for a Summer Quilt.

People often tell me I accomplish so much. I don't think I do, I just try to keep focused on my projects and not be distracted by all the other wonderful quilts out on the internet.

Winter is over and spring is here. The outside work is calling; sewing/quilting will happen when it does. I don't know if I will make much progress any of my projects this spring/summer. I also have some smaller quilts I would like to make if there is time.

Every growing season is different on the farm. We'll see what the spring/summer is like this year.

Linking to - Em's Scrapbag, BOM's Away, Fiber Tuesday, Esther's Wednesday WOW!, Sew, Stitch, Snap, SHOW, Sew Fresh Quilts.


  1. Hope you have a great time at the retreat! A little bit jealous about that. :) And here's to a good growing season. :D

  2. When you post about all of the quilts you are working on at the same time, it seems like a lot gets done. But I do understand about focus and not drooling after all the great projects we see on line. Looking forward to seeing how your Wilfred and Cloves comes a long.

  3. so many projects going on and all so different. I love the applique block that you show and also the other applique quilt and wonder what the border will be. I love the Insane quilt also - wonderful color choices in it.

  4. So many projects, and by the looks of things a lot of complex ones. I am going to have to google your Sweet Surrender block to see the pattern completely. Thanks for linking up to Sew, Stitch, Snap, Share.

  5. Wow! It is impressive to have so many different projects at the same time. They are all wonderful! :-)

  6. You have so many beautiful projects happening. I love watching them progress.

  7. You have accomplished a lot and focusing is the reason you can complete your goals. We can become distracted when we see other quilts being made. All of your quilts are so pretty and the Churn Dash is going to be an eye popper with that beautiful quilting. Pastor's Attic is so pretty. NI - well, that book may go on the auction block for me! You have done a wonderful job with that one without going NI! LOL

  8. Gretchen, your work is so wonderful! I do get distracted by new fabrics, quilts, patterns! But I try to get back to my favorites though....but not with your consistency! I am so envious about your upcoming retreat.....I will join the one a year from now! I am so looking forward to the smilebox Rosemaryalways puts together! You ladies are quilting divas! I bow to your talents!

  9. Beautiful works in progress. Love your nearly insane quilt!
