Sunday, April 23, 2017

Blue Churn Dash Quilt, Halfway Finished

I'm over halfway finished with the quilting on the blue churn dash quilt! The very center row of white blocks and the row 5 of blue blocks are quilted. Now I'm working on another row of white blocks between blue rows 5 and 6. There are a total of 8 blue churn dash rows so I have a ways to quilt yet.

A close up of where I am working right now.

We have actually had some warmer weather last week and I could work outside without a sweater or sweatshirt. I've put a towel along the edge of the quilt so if my shirt has any dirt or anything on it, the quilt won't pick it up.

Quilting is going to go slower now since I have outside work again. I love the springtime and all the beauty of springtime blooms.

Linking to - Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingQuilting is More Fun than Housework, Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, Show & Tell Monday with Bambi, BOM'S Away, Sew, Stitch, Snap, SHOW, Fiber TuesdayEsther's Wednesday WOW!, Sew Fresh Quilts


  1. Your hearts in your quilting are perfect for the churn dashes. Stunning!

    1. Thank you, hearts are so adaptable for so many designs.

  2. The towel is a great idea! Your quilting is lovely. Our redbud tree is on the verge of blooming. We are enjoying an early spring.

  3. Maybe now I can catch up - LOL The Churn Dash is looking good! Excellent work.

  4. Great idea to protect the quilt with the towel, especially since your quilt has so much white which would show the dirt.
    Looks terrific!

  5. good idea on the towel in front of you. The quilt and the quilting looks great

  6. What an amazing quilt! Your designs are amazing, so flowing. I love how it adds so much to the geometric patchwork of your churn dashes. And that blue is mesmerizing!

    1. Thank you. I love the blue and I'll be sad when it all gone. I'm enjoying the quilt since the quilted blocks are not all the same.

  7. Your classic blue and white quilt is wonderful! I wouldn't have thought of using a towel to protect

    I am so happy to finally have spring! All of the blossoming is nourishment for the soul!

    1. Obviously if my shirt is very dirty, I change but I often stop and pull a weed or something on the way into the house. Better safe than sorry!

  8. I'm really enjoying seeing your progress on this quilt! Your quilting is adding so much pretty texture. The spring blooms in your photo are lovely!

  9. Great progress, gorgeous quilting. Enjoy your slow Sunday Stitching.

  10. Lovely are steadily getting there :-) Enjoy your spring!

  11. Blue Churn Dash coming along nicely. It feels good to get outside and dig in the spring dirt.

  12. Spring is such a great time to spend in the garden. Thanks for sharing your lovely quilting with Oh Scrap!

  13. The quilt is lovely! And that you are doing it by hand makes it even more special! A labor of love! It is your persistence that is truly paying off!

  14. Hand quilting! Just now discovered you are a hand quilter.. there seem to be still a few. Machine quilting looks like a mattress pad to me, so it is sort of exciting to see your work.. your frame.. A Harvard Med research project reported a month ago that hand work reduces blood pressure, muscle tension, and heart rate. Beautiful and healthy make quite a combo.

  15. It looks very nice!
    Hugs from sweden

  16. Wow! You are really moving along with your quilting on this! I can't hand quilt nearly that fast. Thanks so much for sharing that strategy with the towel - super idea.

  17. Great progress! Your quilting looks great!

  18. Lovely quilting. I could work on so much white without getting it dirty (I just seem to make a mess whereever I go), though the towel is a good trick.

  19. Beautiful quilting! And thanks for joining in with 'sew stitch snap SHARE'
