Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Nearly Insane, Halfway There!

I've finished the center row of Nearly Insane so I'm halfway through the piecing of the blocks of the center section.

I normally take a several week break between piecing rows but I wanted to get the center section completed. It wasn't fun and I had to force myself to keep going. Just a reminder, these blocks finish at 6".

First of all, the replacement block from row 4. This block fits in with the rest of the quilt. So much better than the previous block.

And the blocks in the center row.

Some blocks are brighter than others. That makes the quilt more interesting.

If you have a good memory, you will notice the octagon block is made with the same fabrics as block #18, the one with over 200 pieces. Remember, I've told you I can't seem to be able to count. I way over cut triangles for the other block so I used them up in this block. This beauty has 100 pieces in it.

The star in the top right corner has 87 pieces but it took hours to sew. She turned out pretty nice.

The bottom left block is just one of those weird blocks Salinda threw in to use up fabric scraps. That's my opinion anyway.

The bottom right block has the largest number of pieces in this row, 112. I am very tired of 1/2" HST's!

The top block has the fewest pieces, only 9. Quick and easy. I've been looking for a small striped fabric to use in this quilt and used it in this block.

The bottom left is another different block. 

The bottom right is one of my favorite blocks. The pinwheel had more 1/2" HST's though.

And these are the last two blocks in this row.

I am so glad to be halfway finished with the center of the quilt. Now I will be decreasing blocks in each row. 

The next section will be sewn separately then sewn to this section.

The triangle blocks on the center row will be added after the next section is attached but they are already pieced. I am so glad to have gotten this much completed this past sewing season!

Linking to -  Show & Tell With Bambi, Fiber Tuesday, BOM's Away,  Esther's Wednesday WOW!, Sew Fresh Quilts, My Quilt Infatuation, Finished or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Crazy Mom Quilts, Quilting is More Fun Than Housework!


  1. WOW. Just WOW. I am really impressed with that 87 piece star block at six inches.

  2. OK, I fully understand your post title now... this is looking amazing. But WOW, seriously... WOW.

    1. Yes, I am halfway finished with the piecing but I did feel halfway to Insane while doing it.

  3. Oh my goodness! These pieces are tiny and your blocks are beautifully constructed - you must be very proud of what you have achieved. Well done you!

    1. Someone told me Nearly Insane wouldn't be as challenging as Dear Jane was because the blocks are larger. WRONG! They are larger, 6" compared to 4 1/2" but so many, many more pieces. I am very proud of my achievement. I will be even prouder when the quilt is totally finished.

  4. Oh wow!! This is beautiful - and I just love the fabric colorways in each block - awesome!

    1. Thank you. I am using the blues I have on hand, no name collection, just an accumulation from over the years.

  5. Absolutely beautiful! There's just something about a blue and yellow quilt . . .

    1. Thank you. Blue is my favorite color and the yellow makes nice contrast.

  6. Oh my gosh this is a labour of love. It's really beautiful!

    1. When I finished the center row, I wasn't really feeling any love but now I am again. I'm going to take at least 3 weeks off from it. Hopefully by then I'll be ready to sew on her.

  7. Wow those are complex blocks! Love your colour choice!

  8. Wowzer! Spectacular! Such a labor of love! Truly magnificent....and such eye candy for all on this foggy morning here! Thanks for sharing such a positive blog!

    1. Thanks Carrolyn. Was it a positive blog? I felt like I was crazy after finishing this center row. Hopefully your spring will come soon.

    2. How can finishing any block on that quilt not be positive? Lovely.....and hopeful to those of us who aren't quite so productive yet. But the shoveling has got to end soon!!!!!!!

  9. Gretchen - you have outdone yourself on this quilt! So pretty and such hard work and many many hours put into each block. A nice break from NI will maybe make you sane again! LOL

    1. I need a break from it, that's for sure. I have different projects that need to be caught up on. By the time they're done, I'll be ready to become Insane again.

  10. You are doing an outstanding job. You should be proud of yourself. It is named correctly! LOL

    1. I was so tired of this quilt when I finished this row. I didn't even like it anymore. Now I can look at it and like it again. There are still a lot of blocks to be pieced. I will really be glad when this quilt is finished. I don't know if I'll ever make a quilt with these tiny of pieces again.

  11. Given all the different patterns in the blocks, I'm really impressed with how balanced the quilt looks. Your fabric choices have a LOT to do with that, I think. With all those seams, that 's going to be one warm quilt!

    1. When I piece a block, I look at the blocks that are in the area of the new block and plan accordingly. She probably will be a warm quilt but this quilt is never going to be used for sleeping, at least in my lifetime. She's going to hang on a wall and be admired.

  12. It looks stunning, such a lot of work, well done for not giving up on it - I know I would of by now!

    1. I'm too stubborn to quit. I'll persevere and someday I'll have a lovely quilt that I will look at and think, "I can't believe I made it!" I don't know if I'll ever make a quilt with such tiny pieces again though.

  13. This quilt is absolutely magnificent! I particularly love that 87 piece star. It is beautiful!

    1. Thank you, she took a long time to piece but turned out nicely.

  14. This is just too fabulous! I can't even imagine entertaining the idea of starting this one.

    1. If you do start it, just be prepared for her to take awhile to piece.

  15. Wonderful! Those blocks look very complex, I love your 87 (!?!?) pieced star!

    1. The pieced star has been the most remarked on block in this row. I like her too.

  16. Fabulous progress, Gretchen. You should be so proud of your work!!!

    1. I am proud of the blocks I've completed so far but I just feel exhausted about her right now.

  17. Just wow...that's all I can say!

  18. This is already looking gorgeous! Well done! Hope you feel charged to keep going after you take a break. This will be a treasure!

    1. I just need several week to recover and complete some other projects. I think I'll be ready to go again in a month.

  19. Stunning! And it's not even quilted yet! Gorgeous and great progress. Enjoy! ;^)

  20. Wow! Those blocks are nearly insane!

  21. Oh my goodness, no wonder you need a break from it after piecing a few blocks! This quilt will be an amazing accomplishment!

  22. These blocks are amazing. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  23. Thank you for your inspiration last monday and your link to Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi hug

  24. Whoa, Gretchen! Look at your NI!! Having done a Dear Jane, I feel your desire to push through against the weariness of it. :) Nice to be on the downhill side, now, though. Your value play with the color scheme is really turning out nicely.

    1. I was so tired of this quilt when I finished the center row, I hated it! Now I'm enjoying and like it again. Hopefully the rest of the rows won't be so tiring. When I piece each block, I look at the block it is going to be beside and try not to use the same fabrics and make the block a nice contrast.
