Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Scrappy Stars, A Charity Quilt

Several Sundays ago, on January 29th, I was planning to piece another Nearly Insane block. Before I got to my sewing machine, I checked Sarah's blog, Confessions of a Fabric Addict to see the first of several free quilt patterns to use for charity quilts.

The first pattern was Scrappy Stars. I scrapped the Insane plan and jumped into the new project.

I try to remember to cut up leftover pieces of fabrics into strips and 5" blocks. I also cut older fabrics that way. So I already had a basket full of 5" blocks. What could go wrong? Did I mention Sarah said she pieced a quilt from this pattern in 4 hours? 

Sewing the 9-patch blocks was easy. Then I started on the star blocks. I had 4 star blocks completed when my son dropped in for a visit. I quickly laid out blocks to show him what I was doing. He said, "Mom, you don't see the stars." And he was right, you didn't. So I piled everything onto a tray; set it aside until another day and pieced an Insane block.

After I completed sewing a row of Nearly Insane, sewed the blocks for the center of my Pastor's Attic Quilt together and then marked the blue churn dash quilt, I got the tray out again. I decided I wasn't going to let this quilt defeat me!

I pulled darker fabrics to use in the star blocks and put it all together. I added a border because I thought it needed one to give my eyes a place to rest. 

It took me two weeks but this was what I came up with.

My Scrappy Stars is larger than the ones Sarah made. The charity this flimsy will be donated to wants the quilts to be at least 60" x 80". I don't need to quilt it, he will become a knotted comforter. This quilt top will be an easy one to knot, the squares are evenly spaced.

To see the other patterns Sarah has to offer, check out these links - Exploding Stars, Speak to Me of Love and Super Nova.

In January I linked to DrEAMi after I started a new block for the RSC. DrEAMLi! is about starting new projects on the spur of the moment. She wasn't impressed that the new project I started in January on the spur of the moment was going to take me more than a year to finish. Maybe taking 2 weeks to make this spur of the  moment project will be more satisfying to her.

Linking to - Fiber Tuesday, Let's Bee Social, Sew Some Love, My Quilt Infatuation, Finished Or Not FridayCrazy Mom Quilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, DrEAMi!, Quilting is More Fun Than Housework, Monday Making


  1. I like spur of the moment quilts the best even if they do take a year. Your stars do show nicely.

    1. Thanks Chris. Scrappy quilts are challenging for me. I want to put all the fabrics in but I've realized the colors do need to be controlled.

  2. Great quilt! The stars pop nicely. :)

  3. Your top looks great! Thanks for linking to Sew Some Love :)

  4. Great job making the stars pop! I like it with a border, too. You're right that it helps to have a resting place :)

  5. Who cares what MMM! thinks?! I think your quilt is WONDERFUL!!! I wanted to make one, but have too many other projects on the go.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks. It turned out nicer than I thought it would.

  7. What a beautiful quilt to gift!! I love it!

    1. Thank you. I hope it keeps the recipient nice and warm after it is knotted.

  8. Yea for you! I like the Stars quilt. I think I would have done exactly what you did - at least you knew what Nearly Insane could do! LOL.

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks. This was a good pattern to use older fabrics.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you. This quilt did make a dent in the 5" square basket.

  11. This is a fantastic scrap quilt, and you did a good job with the contrast for the star blocks.

  12. All of the scraps make me want to keep looking! I love all the visuals and colors!

    1. Thank you Some of these fabrics are 20 years old! There are a lot of uglies in here. The only planning I did was not to have the same fabric next itself.

  13. I added that quilt to my list too - great job and congrats on finish

  14. Well, I sincerely apologize if I gave you the impression that I 'wasn't impressed', oh dear, that has such a negative connotation and is so not what I intended. I love that RSC project you have started. It's just that a DrEAMi! is my description of when you get quilt blinders on, ignore all other projects and make that one item before resuming the regular programming, grin. As I said then, I love how we all get taken in by yet another RSC project (I somehow have now got 3 THREE! on the go, like how). Your Scrappy Stars quilt is beautiful-love that your son critiqued it. Thank you for linking up with DrEAMi #2!

    1. I am very much a focused on a project person so for me to even change my plans is very unusual. I'm just not so a jump to a new project person. I like finishes too much. I do have to say though, that sewing on this quilt gave me an idea for another charity quilt. I'm sewing that in sections because I really don't know where I'm going with it. When it is 60 X 80, it will be completed and I will announce it to the world.

      Those RSC blocks are really something. It is amazing how easy it is to get sucked into start another block.

  15. I have that same quilt on my to do list. Good for you for finishing it!

    1. This really is an easy pattern, just took me longer than I planned.

  16. Your scrappy stars quilt is beautiful, Gretchen! I love how the stars draw your attention in the midst of the other bright colors!

  17. Great job on that quilt top! I need to start a few donation quilts myself. Thanks for the links and for sharing your top with Oh Scrap!

  18. I love this scrappy star-time well spent!

  19. Your stars shine brightly! (Although, now I'm curious about what your original blocks looked like.)

  20. What a variety of colors and patches. It pays to save them already cut. The stars just really twinkle. Good going.

  21. And a beautiful Scrappy Stars, indeed! There is something about scrappy that says warm and cozy to me. Well done!
