Sunday, February 12, 2017

One Monthly Goal & Churn Dash Quilt

I don't purposely set easy goals to complete but again I've finished my One Monthly Goal way before the end of the month. You just never know how long a project is going to take.

The circles have replaced the embroidery, the blocks have been squared to size and the center is complete! I am very excited.

When I return home from Arizona, I'll start prepping the borders. I had planned to make the vine be straight. I guess the reason I thought that way was because, even though the original border is zig-zag, the vine was straight. 

Lynne Stucke left a kind comment saying "May I very quietly suggest you rethink straight vines on the borders? That would create quite a bit of straight and box-like empty space in a visually full, curvy quilt. Of course, you could always fill it with beautiful hand quilting . . . But, maybe a curved vine (as opposed to the zig-zag) might be more visually pleasing to you? Just a thought. The changes you've already made are absolutely fantastic, so who do I think I am to make any (though well-meant) suggestions???"

What a wonderful idea. I've been visualizing this all week and I won't have the stick flower in the corner. So, as of now, I'm going to have a lovely vine. Thanks for the suggestion Lynne.

I haven't forgotten about my blue churn-dash quilt; the quilt has been marked. I'm going to be using a wool batt. The batt has been removed from the packaging and unfolded. I lightly spritzed it with water to help it relax. A week on the bed should soften the kinks. Quilting will commence when I return home.

I'm leaving Monday, February 13th for a fun filled week visiting our daughter and son-in-law in warm sunny Arizona. She has some special activities planned. Actually, just experiencing 7 consecutive days of sunshine will be exciting. I will return home the following Monday. Until my next post, Happy Stitching!

Linking to - Finished or Not Friday,  Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingQuilting is More Fun than Housework, Love Laugh Quilt, One Monthly Goal


  1. I look forward to seeing what the vine looks like once you get a border stitched or maybe even partially stitched.

  2. have fun and look forward to seeing what you decide to do for the border, personally I like zig zag but not the stick flowers that had been shown in the corners :) we all have our preferences! have a good vacation and I'm sure you will give some thought to the borders

  3. The curvy vines will frame your blocks beautifully! Have a wonderful week in the warm sunshine!

  4. Every time I see your Album quilt I just say OMG! I JUST love it!!! Beautiful. I'm not helping in your decision. YOUR ideas are GORGEOUS! I know you will pick the right one.

  5. You have accomplished so much already this month... way to go!

  6. Your applique quilt is so amazing! I have never tackled a project like that, but you make me want to. Enjoy the Arizona sunshine!

  7. There's nothing wrong with setting achievable goals! Your quilt is amazing and I like the sound of a curvy applique vine very much. Have a great week in the sun.

  8. I think Lynne's idea is perfect. Have a great holiday.

  9. How nice of Lynne to make a suggestion. I always welcome another quilter's ideas. I agree that the vine needs to be curvy then you can add a flower, etc in the open spaces! I bet you will be visualizing this border all week - enjoy your trip. Your Pastor quilt is beautiful!

  10. Oh no wonder you are exited / I will be interested to see what you do with the border in the end :) Enjoy your sunny week :)

  11. oh my goodness! this looks amazing! congratulations on all of your work

  12. Wonderful quilt! Congratulations on the finish.

  13. Gorgeous! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.
