Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Solstice Challenge & the Two-Step

I'm keeping up with the Solstice Challenge. So far, the blocks have been fairly simple. If Pat decides to make the block patterns more challenging, I'll probably stop participating and just sew the completed blocks together for a crib quilt. 

Here is this week's block.

And the first four blocks. I seem to have a yellow theme going. There are lots of blocks to sew yet, it will even out by June.

Carole, from My Carolina Home, is hosting her third mystery quilt-along, Two-Step. She has had a series of mystery quilts and they all have something to do with dancing. The first clue will be released on Friday, January 20th and on every 3rd Friday of the month thereafter. The mystery will run for 7 months.

I've decided to sew along with this mystery and I have most of my fabric ready to go.

I ordered this fabric from Missouri Star Quilt Co. years ago. It's Edyta Sitar's Snowbird line. I didn't have any idea what to do with it, so it has just sat in the sewing room, waiting all these years. The fabrics have matured and are ready to be sewn. The larger piece of cream fabric is a Fusions from Robert Kauffman. 

My fabric tastes have changed since I ordered this fabric. I like brighter fabrics now; these fabrics just look so blah, boring, subdued. They really need something to brighten them up. What color do you think I should add? It won't take much but they definitely need something to give it some zing!

Linking to Pat Sloan's I Love to Make Quilts, Fiber TuesdaysSew Fresh Quilts, WIP's With FriendsMy Quilt Infatuation, Finished Or Not FridayCrazy Mom Quilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict.


  1. Pat's will be an interesting quilt I have decided to not do that one. I like the idea of a block every 3rd Friday instead of each week, etc for the Two Step Mystery. I have never made a mystery quilt, it's about time I tried it. Allows more time to work on other projects. Hum, How about some browns, or maybe yellow or greens. That would be a contrast. Maybe you can tie into a color on one of the focus fabrics in the bundle. I know what you mean on "why did I buy this?" problem!

    1. I'll stop if I can't keep up with the Solstice Challenge. I am enjoying using brighter colors and just grabbing a fabric and sewing it up. I have decided on the 'zing' fabrics for Two Step. One of them is brown. It was really hard to come up with another color. Nothing looked right. In desperation I grabbed a couple teale fat quarters I purchased last fall. They looked good, at least I think they do. It's hard to tell without some bright sunlight. If the sun doesn't shine by Friday, I'm going to go ahead and use them anyway. Can't wait to see what colors you come up with.

  2. Going to look at Two Step now--I love her designs.

  3. I love those muted colours! How about an orange to give it a ping, although teal sounds good too.

    1. A friend suggested orange and I pulled all the oranges I have. Most of them are brights so I put those back. I have several softer oranges, but they didn't work! I finally pulled some teals I purchased last fall and I think they will work. Can't tell for sure, the sun hasn't shown here for days. I also added a brown. I've decided to pull out the cream fabric, read too solid. I've added some pieces a friend gave me last summer and I think I'm ready! Love your dragon, he was really cute.

  4. That's 2 blocks I have to catch up on this weekend. Nice work

  5. I would like to see a soft red, as French General do. I googled "French General faded red" in images and this is what I got. Perfect.

    Here are 2 quilts on my blog in similar colours.
    Rural Jardin

    and La Petite Ecole

    Have fun!


  6. Your blocks may be simple, but they are beautifully made, and I'm liking the look of your fabric pull for your next project - I love pre-cuts! As mentioned above, a soft red or orange would liven them up.

  7. You've got some fun projects going on. I'm going to down load Carole's steps, I may start this one once I've finished the graduation quilts. Looking forward to seeing more blocks from both quilt a longs.

  8. Das liest sich sehr interessant, ich werde mir einmal die verschiedenen Mysterys anschauen. Vielen Dank für den netten Kommentar, zu meinem Jane Quilt. Deine Challenge Blöcke gefallen mir auch sehr gut!
    Liebe Grüße

  9. Hi Gretchen I just discovered Carole's Two Step Mystery, and am going to give it a go also. I like you have lots of boring fabric, that I am no longer keen on ( Ive gone the clear modern colors way) so I thought I could make it up as a give away quilt. What size do you call a throw?

  10. The two step quilt seems pretty interesting. I love her colors! Your blocks are really nice-I like how you make them with a lot of contrast. Funny how our fabric likes and dislikes change over time. You can always sell your excess on ebay. I do that sometimes so I am not overwhelmed by my "past" and generally there is someone who is searching desperately for just this fabric.
