Saturday, January 21, 2017

Rainbow Challenge

I'm joining in the Rainbow Scrap challenge this year over at So Scrappy.  The challenge color for January was purple. I've sewn my blocks, ten of them. 

I decided to try some different lay outs on the display wall. Straight set.

This will look more interesting when there are more colors.

But I like this design better.

I won't make a final decision until next fall.

The small squares are 1" finished and the larger squares are 2" finished. The whole block is 8" finished. 

I'm still sewing 4-patches. Hopefully I will have enough sewn of whichever color is selected for February.  

Linking to So ScrappyFinished Or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict


  1. Well done. I think you'll be playing with a few more layouts before the year is up but your second one has some definite possibilities.

    1. I have plenty of time to work on the layouts. The first one does look better when mixed with other fabrics.

  2. So much fun to play with blocks and see what you can do with them. Love that second setting too!

  3. I like your second option better. No matter what you decide they will look great

  4. Those are so pretty with the white background! It's fun to have blocks that offer different layout possibilities.

    1. This is a good way to use up leftover white fabrics.

  5. I do like the second design. Plenty of time to decide how the block will come together though. Great start to your quilt.

  6. Oh fun blocks and SO many possibilities!

  7. Looking good Gretchen, I like the 4 patches and all the different purples intermixed! Going to start on mine today! Maybe I can catch up by the end of the month! I really like both of the designs, but the second one is really popping and pretty! You will have a pretty quilt!

  8. What a great idea for a block and setting (love that second one). Welcome to the RSC and we are all looking forward to seeing what other goodies you have up your sleeve!

  9. Looking lovely. The Rainbow Scrap Challenge is such fun and very inspirational, enjoy.

  10. Nice to see you at RSC and working your scraps. I love that second layout. Actually I love that block.

    1. Thank you. I think I'll have fun with this project this year. I enjoy seeing what everyone else is making.

  11. You've started off with a bang at RSC, so glad to see all your blocks coming together. Keep up the good work!

  12. It will be interesting to see how you work in the rainbow of colors. So many possibilities!

  13. I really like that 2nd design shown. So much so that I want to start my own quilt!! SEW many projects, so little time. Sigh...

    1. I understand that sentiment completely! If only I could give up sleeping.

  14. I really like the second lay out! Your blocks are awesome. It'll be fantastic when you start adding in the other colors.

  15. I am intrigued by how different your various designs are! Amazing what can be done with simple blocks! You have inspired me to try my hand at this sew along. Lord knows I have the scrap bin to do it!

    1. Just pick a simple design that has multiple sets. You don't have to decide on the final layout now, there is plenty of time until the end of the year. Many of the participants in this challenge have multiple projects in progress. I decided to stick with just one. I have other projects I'm working on too that aren't part of the RSC. I'm glad I could inspire you. Blessings.

  16. Well you've certainly made a good start on this project. I love the block and look forward to seeing how you mix all the rainbow colours together.
